Legacy (2002 book)

Legacy is a novel written in 1998 and published in 2002, by the American author Christopher Paolini (b. 1983).


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  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Author details
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Sources


Not so long ago, Eragon, shadow assassin, dragon rider, was nothing more than a poor boy who lived on a farm and His dragon, Saphira, a blue stone hidden in the forest. Now the fate of a civilization rests on your shoulders. The long months of training and battles have brought them victories and hope but also terrible losses.

But the real battle has not yet come: they must face Galbatorix. When they finally do, they will have to be strong enough to beat him because if they don’t, no one can. There will be no second chance. The Horseman and his dragon have gone much further than anyone dared even imagine, but can they overthrow the evil King and restore justice to Alagaësia? And if so, what will be the price they will have to pay?

Author details

He was born in the Paradise Valley , Montana , United States , on November 17 , 1983 ; He is a great lover of science fiction and fantasy. Paolini was educated in his own home by his parents and graduated from high school at the age of 15 (from a correspondence course at the American School in Chicago , Illinois ), the same age that Eragon began to write, at the age of 15. followed by Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance.

His parents are Kenneth Paolini and Talita Hodgkinson and he has a little sister, Angela. He often wrote short stories and poems trying to put his thoughts into words. He visited the library frequently and read a lot. Eragon’s argument began as a teenage boy’s daydream.

Paolini’s love for the magic of stories led him to create a novel that would make him enjoy while he read it. At the age of nineteen he was already an internationally recognized author, for the first volume of The Legacy.

Inspiration for the mythical kingdom of Alagaësia came from the landscapes of Montana. He started thinking about writing a trilogy, but due to the length of the third book Brisingr, he decided to make a fourth book and turn the saga into The Cycle, The Legacy. One day, when Christopher was visiting Anchorage ( Alaska ) with his family , they visited a public library and a detective book fell into their hands … “There was something wonderful and magical about that moment. Everything he read finally made sense.

I could see images and colors, I could smell things and touch them. It was almost like watching a movie. ” That was the moment when he realized that reading is more vivid for an author than for a conventional reader.


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