Lectures on positive and negative stress

You know it, I know it, most people know it: the feeling of being stressed.
The signs of stress are of course individual, sleep disorders, lack of overview, forgetfulness, lack of presence, increased irritability and intolerance, physical and / or mental, fatigue, exhaustion, sadness, pain, yes the list is long.

But what is it about stress?

Is it a multi-headed monster that just sneaks in over both work and private life – or is it a condition that each individual has the opportunity to influence? Is it a condition we just have to accept that we occasionally accept a temporary tiredness or temporary pain, and who should we seek advice from?
Is it even necessary to be stressed once in a while?

There is nothing to say that the questions can be many.

The more questions, the more answers. And to demystify the concept of stress and inform about what is called resp. positive and negative stress, you now have an opportunity to get concrete and concise information.
Uni Coaching.dk has two trained stress coaches, namely head of Unicoaching Christel Sonne Rasmussen and affiliated coach Corinna Roost. We go out together or separately, to companies and institutions and give lectures on the positive and negative stress.

For stress is not only negative.

The stress that is positive is just as worth knowing about and thereby being aware of, so it is possible to use this without worrying.

A big topic like stress requires a demarcation.
And that is what Uni Coaching.dk delivers in lectures on positive and negative stress.
So every listener after a lecture is familiar with what stress is, and so every listener is familiar with what is positive and thus usable stress, and what is negative stress that points to attention, in order to reduce and deal with this .

What does a lecture on positive and negative stress contain?

The following points will be discussed, in an exciting and energetic atmosphere:

  • What is stress?
  • What is not stress?
  • What is positive stress and when and how is it expressed?
  • What is negative stress and when and how does it manifest itself?
  • The three stress phases.
  • Tools for stress management.
  • A tool on the physical level (to create relaxation and well-being).
  • A tool for the job plan (being able to prioritize).
  • A tool for the mental level, (to be able to generate own serenity).
  • A tool in terms of creating an improved sleep.

A lecture on positive and negative stress, commissioned by a company or institution, lasts 45 minutes.

It can be part of a series of lectures for the company or institution’s employees. The following lecture topics may be:

  • Learn to park your stress so you don’t take it home.
  • Self-care and the art of being present.
  • Stress and creating an overview.
  • Or what is specifically desired.

A lecture on positive and negative stress can also be an appetizer as a start to half or full theme days on stress and stress management because there is a lot to say, a lot to know, and we have a lot on our minds. this important topic.

I live in the triangle area and am primarily interested in covering Jutland and Funen.
I give lectures on positive and negative stress at the company or institution itself.

I look forward to meeting you.

Contact me for a more detailed agreement, regarding. date and prices


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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