Learn to play and have fun with Online Bingo

Bingo or online Bingo is one of the most traditional casino games in Brazilian history. For decades, hundreds of people filled the Bingo houses betting money and having fun. Currently, the real Bingo game is an activity that is prohibited in Brazil, but its online version is still allowed.

In this article we will tell you a little more about the virtual version of this game, how to play it and we will also give you some tips to increase your chances of winning. So stay with us and take a look at the text!

Understanding Online Bingo

The popularity of Bingo is largely due to the fact that it is a very simple game. Each person receives a card made up of random numbers and distributed in no particular order. The numbers then begin to be drawn and ‘called’, that is, announced so that people can check if that number is present on their card and, if so, mark it.

The winner will be the first player who manages to mark all the numbers in a row, column or diagonal. Most importantly, the winner must shout “BINGO!” upon completing the game.

Online gambling and its variations

The rules of virtual Bingo are the same as those of the real game. You receive a virtual ticket and mark the numbers drawn. However, in Online Bingo there are a few different styles of play. See below which are the most played styles.

90 ball bingo

We call the Bingo numbers balls, because in the traditional game the numbers were marked in balls to be drawn. In this style, the cardboard has 27 numbers arranged in three columns and nine lines.

75 ball bingo

This is the most popular style among Brazilians. The cardboard has 24 numbers and a blank center space arranged in a 5 by 5 square. In addition, it has a line at the top with the word BINGO and each letter refers to a column.

80 ball bingo

This modality is a mixture of the previous two. In this style, the cardboard contains 16 numbers arranged in 4 by 4, divided by groups of colors.

I said no

In this version, there is no cardboard with default numbers. The player must guess which numbers will be drawn from 1 to 80. Each player chooses fifteen numbers. The one with the most hits wins.

Tips to play better

Although Bingo is considered a game of chance, that is, where the outcome depends only on chance, there are some tips that can increase the chances of winning at Bingo Online.

– Find rooms with fewer players. The more players there are, the less chance you have of winning.

– Pay attention to the bonuses offered. The best options in Online Bingo offer exciting prizes and bonuses to the most persistent players.

– Be careful with the number of cartons. If you are not a very experienced player, avoid playing with too many cards at the same time. Even if more cards increase your odds, you may end up confused when dialing the numbers.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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