Learning to program is not boring: 5 games to have fun

Programming is one of the skills with the most professional opportunities and the most possibilities for promotion that we can find today. Although there are many programmers, there is also a great offer. Therefore, the important thing is to constantly improve in order to stand out from the rest. The problem is that for some users, learning is a slow and sometimes boring process. And if this is your case, that is because you do not know the games for developers that we are going to see next.

Of course, learning to program is more than picking up a book, or a tutorial, and following it step by step. A very important part of the process is found in the implementation of knowledge and experimentation. And, although we can do this on our own, it is also possible to find all kinds of interesting resources on the web with which to put our knowledge into practice.

All the games that we are going to see are completely free, so we can use them without having to pay anything. Of course, some of them may have some payment service inside, although they are not mandatory.


If you like dungeon games, this website is for you. This page is designed both for those users who are taking their first steps in programming and for the most experienced gurus with this language. We put ourselves in the shoes of a warrior who must go to the dungeon in search of the JavaScript sword. And, of course, we have to do it by programming.



With this game we will learn how to control a robot using JavaScript commands. It has 10 levels of difficulty with which we can add complexity to the adventure as we progress. The first level is mainly based on learning to move the robot forward and collect coins, while the last ones invite us to solve complex platform levels.



But not everything is going to be JavaScript. In Code Combat we find an RPG-type game, entirely in Spanish, with which we can learn the basic concepts of the Python language. In total, we must overcome the 44 levels of the Kithgard dungeon to beat the game and become the masters of Python.



On this website we will be able to improve our programming knowledge in up to 25 different languages. To do this, the web offers us a series of puzzles, which we will have to solve using code. In addition, this website has competitive functions with which we can face other players, and there is nothing better than competitiveness to motivate us to keep going.



A game with a very retro look. In it we will have to escape from a dungeon using, of course, our knowledge of programming (specifically in JavaScript) while we discover, little by little, the secrets that are hidden within it. A game that always invites us to go ahead and move forward, with a difficulty curve that, without frustrating, will be a challenge for most users.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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