Kombu seaweed: properties, uses and contraindicatins

Kombu seaweed is very rich in iodine.Kombu is a brown seaweed from Japan.It is used in oriental cuisine, especially in Japanese recipes in flavor broths and legumes.It is widely used in vegan diets, low calorie diets, macrobiotics and by vegetarian.

Nutritional properties of kombu seaweed

Seaweed has a higher level of vitamins and minerals than any other food. They are rich in vegetable proteins, carotenoids , chlorophyll, enzymes and amino acids.

Kombu is also no exception and all its nutritional properties make it an excellent food supplement.

Being a seaweed, it is very rich in iodine , but low in sodium. The vitamin and mineral salts intake deriving from the consumption of this seaweed is remarkable:

  • vitamins : present various B vitamins , among which  vitamin B2  and in particular they are the only vegetable source of vitamin B12 , in addition to vitamins K  and C , and vitamins A. E, F, K, PP. 
  • mineral salts : very rich in  iodine and alcium (8 times more than milk), potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.
  • fiber : rich in fiber
  • trace elements : in particular chromium and selenium, which are essential for good health.
  • sugars : these are the algae with the highest sugar content, but without calories, therefore acceptable for diabetics.

Benefits and uses of kombu seaweed

  • Due to the high iodine content, it is  recommended for the treatment of goiter and as a stimulant of energy metabolism , to burn calories and counteract the production of bad cholesterol . Being also rich in  glutamic acid , it flavors dishes and makes them more digestible.
  • In addition to the antioxidant effect, kombu seaweed improves the appearance of the hair, contributes to the purification of the organism and strengthens the immune system .
  • Its regular consumption also promotes blood circulation and prevents constipation. Another phenomenal property of kombu seaweed is that deriving from alginic acid which helps intestinal purification and performs a detoxifying and alkalizing action on the body .
  • It is used to isolate heavy metals and radioactive substances in the body and then remove them . Deeply detoxifies the body.
  • In the kelp and kombu seaweed polymers  such as ficocolloids and alginic acid are found , with gelling characteristics similar to pectin , so it is possible to use seaweed extract together with water in slimming diets for its high satiating power and as a laxative .

recipe with Kombu seaweed: Tofu and Kombu broth.

This is a recipe with a typical oriental flavor. Kombu seaweed and Tofu are used for the preparation.
Ingredients (Doses for 4 people) :

  • 1/2 liter of water 1 10 cm strip of Kombu
  • Seaweed 1 stick of Tofu
  • Half medium carrot Half courgette
  • 1 large radish
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 tablespoon of
  • Miso Chives to taste


  • 1 Soak the kombu seaweed in water for 5/10 minutes;
  • Keeping the same water put on the fire, add the diced vegetables and cook for 15 minutes after boiling;
  • 3 Turn off the heat, remove the seaweed from the broth (if left to dry it can be used for a second time) and add mixing well;
  • 4 Serve in cups with a sprinkling of chives for garnish.

Contraindications and side effects of kombu seaweed.

Kombu seaweed is a valuable resource but you should not abuse it to avoid side effects such as hypertension, tachycardia or irritability. Since it is rich in iodine, it is absolutely to be avoided if you suffer from hyperthyroidism or if you take specific drugs for the thyroid or metabolism . In pregnancy and breastfeeding it is better to hear the opinion of your doctor.

by Abdullah Sam
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