Do You Know What Abdominal Diastasis Surgery Is?

A condition that is characterized by the removal of certain abdominal muscles, abdominal diastasis can affect up to 30% of women in the postpartum period . Learn more about the surgery that changes the lives of several people who suffer from this problem in our post!


After all, what is abdominal diastasis?

Diastasis is nothing more than the removal of muscles . In the case of the abdomen, the main distant muscle is the rectus abdominis, although the oblique muscles can suffer from diastasis as well.


What are the causes of this problem?

Sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, unbalanced diet and pregnancy can cause m diastasis. straight. The manifestations of diastasis go beyond aesthetic changes: alteration of intestinal transit with abdominal distention after eating, constipation, pain in the spine with change in posture and alteration of sexual life. In the most severe cases, where the gap is large, only surgery will resolve .


How do I know if I have abdominal diastasis?

The diagnosis of diastasis is made by the surgeon through the physical examination of the patient or with tests such as ultrasound of the abdominal wall, which will measure how much opening the musculature has. A home examination can be performed by the patient herself : the patient is lying down and contracts the abdomen, with the hand positioned vertically on the midline. If there is a separation of at least 3 fingers, the patient probably has diastasis.


Is the surgery complicated?

No . The correction of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles consists of an incision in the pubis, close to where the cesarean section is cut.

A retractor is used so that the medical team can see the musculature in more detail. Then, the aponeurosis is sewn, a membrane that surrounds the muscles, bringing them together. Together, an abdominoplasty can be performed to remove excess skin. In case of excess fat, liposuction is recommended.


Risks, like all surgery

In addition to the risks common to all surgeries, such as thrombosis, one of the most dangerous complications is the rupture of the stitches, which can occur with a lot of effort, leading to hemorrhage, hematoma and recurrence of diastasis.


by Abdullah Sam
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