Know 24 Communication Objectives that are Very Important to Know

Before your Career Advice colleagues read more about this article, let’s take a look at how communication is generally understood. In general view, communication is an action or activity carried out to transfer information from a place, person, or group to another place. Although the notion of communication seems to look and sound very simple, but actually the communication process is quite complex, colleagues. In fact, sending a message or information from a sender to the recipient can be influenced by various factors. Some factors include emotions, cultural situations, the media used, location, and so forth. These factors make the notion of communication not as simple as we think in general.


Know 24 Communication Objectives that are Very Important to Know

Then, what about the understanding of the purpose of communication? The purpose of communication is one or several targets in communicating data, knowledge (insight), and emotions. The purpose of communication according to experts can be targets that individuals have in improving public speaking skills or targets held by groups to achieve better levels of communication with clients. The purpose of communication can also bring several other communication benefits. For example, the purpose of communication can be a business goal in several fields. One of them is like, marketing.


In this article, we will discuss further about what are the goals of communication. According to the simplicable dot com website, there are 24 communication objectives that we need to know about. Well, a lot of it turns out that the purpose of communication! Let’s just look at the following explanation.


1. Provide information

One of the most basic communication goals is to provide information to our target audience. For example, the Human Resource (HRD) team has a communication goal to deliver new information related to new regulations and policies to all employees in the organization or company. Without good communication, surely employees will not know anything about the new policies in the company, right?


2. Convincing or Persuading a Person and Group. 

The second purpose of communication is to change the mindset of our target audience about something. How for example? If 40% of the people in the organization or the company of your readers think that the strategy in the company is an irrational policy, this is where the purpose of communication must play its role. Human Resource leaders or staff must be able to achieve their communication goals very well, that is, succeed in persuading or convincing the other 40% of employees that the policy exists for the benefit of all of us.


3. Conveying Emotion. 

Every human being has an emotional side to himself, whether it is related to sadness, anger, happiness, fear, and so forth. Through this communication someone aims to convey emotions to others. Some examples include telling a funny story so that other people can also laugh, entertain others and express empathy to people who are affected.


4. Influencing Others . 

The attitude of influence will make other people change the actions or actions that they do. What is an example of this communication goal in the world of work? For example, a marketing team when meeting with clients must communicate well, that is, try to influence clients to buy their products or services through good business presentations .


5. Conveying Perception. 

What is meant by perception? Perception is an idea, emotion or thought that is not too strong, but can affect a person’s attitudes and actions. In work life, a leader can convey his perception to team members, and vice versa. In this case, communication activities aim to establish a good relationship between one individual and another individual, so that everyone will be able to understand the perception of others.


6. Capturing Insights (Science) properly. 

Communication aims to facilitate individuals in capturing insights and knowledge more quickly. How for example? Delivering these insights through, documents, media and presentations . In this way, other people will be much easier to see and understand the data submitted by the sender of the message (presenter).


7. Development of Insight (Science). 

One of the goals of communication is to help us develop new insights or knowledge. For example, the marketing team in your company is having difficulty solving new challenges in the field of customer service.


Now through a seminar, all members of the marketing team can convey their difficulties in building good quality customer service , so they can understand the new approach based on their experience.


8. Developing New Talents. 

Communication aims to help us in developing ourselves, especially in terms of skills or talents. For example, someone wants to develop talent within himself to become an expert in public speaking or be a good listener . When the individual succeeds in doing so, this indicates that he has successfully achieved the expected communication goals.


9. Use of Insight (Science). 

The purpose of this communication makes someone really use the insights, messages and information they have in their daily lives. That is, how someone really applies their insights and skills into real life. For example, so far we only read books. But, we also need to convey the positive values ​​contained in the book to others. That way, the targeted communication goals can be implemented properly.


10. Transferring Insights (Science) to Others. 

Communication aims to make it easier for us to transfer or convey knowledge and insights possessed to others. This communication can be done by telling stories about company history in front of trainees or writing books and journals that will be read by many people. Without communication, people will find it difficult to spread the knowledge they understand.


11. Education and training

The purpose of communication can also help us in maximizing the quality of education and training (education and training). Do you know, colleagues, this education and training has a wider scope!


Communication aims to support education and training, because this is a combination of transferring insight with developing new talents. So through education and training, we not only get new knowledge, but also new talents or skills. For example, an engineering graduate who is very introverted learns to speak in public (public speaking). Until finally he managed to become a skilled in public speaking.


12. Lowering Advertising Costs. 

We all know that there are several types of communication that encourage us to pay quite expensive fees. One of them is the cost of promotion in product marketing. Well, in this case the communication aims to help us in saving product marketing costs. In essence, there is no need to pay a lot for advertising, because with good communication we can promote our products or services through speech (stories) to others or install them on their respective social media.


13. Enhancing Personal Experience. 

The purpose of communication is not only related to insight or science, but communication also aims to improve the personal experience of each individual. For example, when a speaker makes effective communication to the seminar participants, participants will get valuable personal experience from the seminar.


14. Supports Transparency. 

Transparency is a practice related to honesty and openness. In this case, communication aims to support the existence of transparency in organizational life. For example, a company that deals with information and technology aims to communicate to its customers that the company will use customer data very carefully. With this openness and honesty, customers will feel calm and trust to provide their data. Through good communication, transparency will be realized very well.


15. Increase Productivity. 

Communication aims to help us increase productivity. How for example? When someone applies good communication in a work meeting, the individual can save time by conveying all information quickly and precisely, so that productivity will increase.


16. Increase Individual Compliance. 

Communication aims to convey the things that must be obeyed by individuals or groups. Well-expressed communication will help improve compliance values ​​in individuals. For example, a flight attendant conveys things that must be obeyed by passengers on the plane. Through this communication, passengers will understand what can and may not be done during the flight.


17. Brand recognition of products or services (brand recognition). 

Consumers tend to prefer buying products or services they know or know. If not, they will hesitate to buy and consume it. In this case, communication also aims to introduce a brand of products and services to consumers so that the percentage of sales is increasing.


18. Increase involvement or attachment to others. 

The purpose of communication is to make our audience or interlocutor feel more “attached” to us. For example, good communication will make other people feel comfortable to discuss and talk with us in all things.


19. Brand Image Products or Services (Brand Image). 

Communication aims so that consumers can think and feel something from the brand of product or service. For example, if a passenger is boarding a Z plane, then he will feel faster to get to his destination than boarding an R plane, because the Z plane is very rarely delayed. Therefore, our job is to form a good image so that customers choose our products or services. Of course, good communication will help us in this regard.


20. Brand Awareness of Products or Services (Brand Awareness). 

It turns out, brand awareness or brand awareness has a higher level than just brand recognition, colleagues. Brand recognition will help consumers get to know our products or services. However, brand awareness makes customers immediately remember the brand names of our products or services before they remember other brands. In this case, communication aims to build strong brand awareness in the minds of consumers.


21. Increase the Number of Sales. 

Of course, communication aims to increase the number of sales of a product or service. The application of effective communication will encourage consumers to buy our products or services.


22. Increase Conversion Rates.  

What does “conversion rate” mean? This is the percentage of visitors who have taken or completed several actions targeted by the seller. For example, buying products or services, and registering as a member (member) of the product. That is why communication aims to encourage consumers to take some of these actions. If successful, then the communication goal has been achieved well.


23. Helps Closing Sales. 

Communication also aims to assist the marketing team in “closing” or closing the sale. Proper communication will help customers to be more confident in closing with us.


24. Achievements. 

Communication aims to explain a “achievement” that we do at work. For example, a manager shares what we have accomplished in the first quarter of this year.


Yep! That is the general understanding of communication and the 24 communication objectives that we need to know about. We hope this article has great benefits for all of your fellow readers. Greetings success, fellow Career Advice.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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