Keys to becoming a professional athlete

Train many hours a week

A good technical level is required in all sports to be able to stand out and compete on a large scale. To reach the standards of a professional athlete it is necessary to spend many hours of practice per week.

Continuity and consistency are essential in all training sessions, in addition to good advice.

Good psychological preparation

To become a  professional athlete it takes a lot of work and patience. In any discipline not everything is perfect, there will always be bad days in which young people will want to leave everything, but they will also have perfect days that will encourage them to fight and continue on their way.

It is important to know how to manage emotions , stay focused and not be disturbed by your own feelings or external stimuli. The frustration and anger only lead to more errors committed and not rely on their own possibilities, which can erode much the personality of the players.

One of the best-known psychologists in the world of soccer is Patricia Ramírez , famous for her book “Train for Life” and her work on several First Division teams. Members of the Shine Group interviewed her and left some very important guidelines for athletes.

Give up certain things

Becoming a professional athlete , in addition to many hours of training and good psychological preparation, implies giving up certain things that other people can normally enjoy.

Hard workouts and good physical preparation mean maintaining a strict diet and very rigid rest times , making it difficult for elite athletes to enjoy dinner with friends or celebration nights.

In addition, travel to competitions and hours of training prevent most athletes from spending enough time with their families. This is related to psychological preparation , since seeing how our friends or family can do certain things that we cannot afford can cause us to quit sports.

Not everyone becomes a professional

Although there are many who dream of it, most players who want to dedicate themselves to the sport in a professional way do not succeed.

The great demand and dedication that elite sport requires becomes in most cases something incompatible with a normal rhythm of life. For many others who manage to make a living from sport, the first places in the world ranking are far behind, although they manage to dedicate themselves completely to what they are passionate about.

When you start a sports career , the most important thing is to feel the gratification of small advances and enjoy playing without setting unattainable goals.

Natural talent, hard training and adequate psychological and personal preparation will make sporting success come with the passing of the years. Cheer up!

In another of our articles you can find what are the sacrifices to be professional footballers , which can help you more to decide how to face your future related to sports.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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