Keeping laboratory chemicals safe

In general, it is important to keep chemicals in a laboratory: separate the storage of chemicals according to the hazard category. They should then be placed in alphabetical order. The chemicals should not be stored on the floor above the eye level and should be stored in At a dedicated place Including all chemicals, the date of entry into the laboratory and the opening date should be recorded.

In addition, the chemical storage with regard to safety. Users or people with chemicals should also be aware of certain properties of that chemical, as some chemicals may require caution in Special storage, for example

  • Hydrofluoric acid (hydrofluoric acid) should be stored in non-glass or metal containers. Due to its high corrosive
  • Flammable chemicals such as phosphorous, acetone, and methanol should be kept away from the flame source. Light switches used in the laboratory must not generate sparks.
  • Substances that decompose when exposed to light or heat or undergoing dangerous reactions such as peroxides and organometallics. Should be kept in the refrigerator
  • Low boiling point solvents such as acetone, pentane, diethyl ether, hexane, and petroleum ether should be stored in a well-ventilated place. Good ventilation, avoid direct sunlight.
  • White phosphorus is a chemical that reacts with air and burns spontaneously at normal temperatures. Must be kept in water
  • Sodium (sodium) and other alkali metals. Which is a chemical that reacts violently with water Must be stored in oil To prevent reaction with water or steam in the air
  • The ether should be stored in an amber-colored bottle. This is because the properties are easily changed when exposed to light.


Following these methods It can reduce the risk of accidents and causing It is convenient for chemical users. Initially In addition to these guidelines Users or people with chemicals should understand How to classify each chemical Type as well as arrangement Laboratory too for safer chemical storage


by Abdullah Sam
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