Is 18 Day Menstrual Cycle Normal?

Every woman has a different menstrual cycle. Some could not have their period for months, on the other hand, there were those who had menstruation 2 times a month. Then, is the 18 day menstrual cycle normal? As long as there is no bleeding, there’s nothing to worry about

Furthermore, a person’s menstrual cycle can be different every month. Normally, the menstrual cycle is between 24-38 days. It is highly recommended to record your menstrual cycle in a journal so that it can be traced properly.

Menstrual cycle is too short, is it normal?

Some women can have two periods

The question of the normal 18-day menstrual cycle usually comes from people who can experience two periods in a month. When this happens, the first thing that needs to be done is to identify whether it’s just spots or really menstruation, with indicators:

  • When having menstruation, ideally pads, tampon, or the menstrual cup will fill up every few hours. The blood color can be bright red, dark red, brown, or pink.
  • When you have spots, the blood that comes out is not too much. The bandages you wear will not be full. The color of blood spots is usually brownish red.

After identifying whether menstruation or spots are being experienced, the triggers can be traced again, such as:

  • Anovulation or failed ovulation
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Perimenopause or menopause
  • Puberty
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Stress
  • Drastic weight gain or loss
  • Use of contraceptives
  • Certain medical conditions or diseases

Apart from the reasons above, menstruation more than once a month also often occurs due to conditions such as:

  • Pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Miscarriage

If the cause of menstruation occurs due to dangerous medical problems, consult a doctor immediately. Especially if the volume of blood that comes out is very large, the condition can be said to be an emergency.

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When to see a doctor

Some women have a higher risk factor for short menstrual cycles than others. For example, those with a family history of fibroids, cysts, or early menopause.Sometimes, there is confusion as to whether a short menstrual cycle is dangerous or not. As an indicator, consult a doctor in case of things such as:

  • The volume of blood during menstruation is very large
  • Feeling pain in the lower abdomen for days
  • Spots between menstrual cycles
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Stomach cramps more painful than usual during menstruation
  • Out of dark blood clots during menstruation

One of the effects that can be felt when experiencing short menstrual cycles with excess blood volume is anemia. This occurs when the iron level in the blood is too low because it is carried out by the blood.Symptoms when experiencing anemia can include weakness, headaches, irregular heartbeats, and shortness of breath.

How to deal with menstrual cycles that are too short?

Stress can also trigger short menstrual cycles

If the cycle is too short when a person enters puberty and has just started menstruating, it is natural. There is no need for any handling.However, if it is known what causes menstrual cycles to be too short related to certain medical conditions, then steps to treat them can be formulated, such as:

·         Thyroid problems

If the menstrual cycle is too short due to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, the doctor will prescribe thyroid hormone replacement therapy for those who are deficient in hormones. Conversely, if the thyroid gland is too active, the doctor will also prescribe the appropriate medication.

·         Menopause

When entering the perimenopause phase, the menstrual cycle can be messy due to hormonal factors as well. Your doctor can prescribe hormonal therapy to smooth the menstrual cycle until it stops completely at menopause.

·         Fibroids and cysts

The presence of fibroids and cysts in the uterus often interfere with a person’s menstrual cycle. To overcome this, doctors can perform treatments such as inserting an IUD, surgery, or administering drugs to remove fibroids.

·         Stress

Managing stress by changing a lifestyle to be healthier can affect the regularity of a person’s menstrual cycle. The method is different for everyone by exercising, meditation, or other therapy.

  • Reaction to KB

The use of family planning, especially those that affect hormones, can have an impact on the menstrual cycle. If one type of contraception is not suitable, discuss with your doctor to try other alternatives.

by Abdullah Sam
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