Inverted Abs – Exercises, Tips and Care

Benefits of inverted abdominal

The inverted abdominal is the opposite of a traditional abdominal. It does not have the same problems as the classic way of doing the abdominal , such as back pain (caused by bending the back when the practitioner cheats to perform the exercise) and shortening of the flexor muscles of the hips.

In addition, the inverted abdominal has some benefits, such as:

  1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles that are important for almost every activity we perform on a daily basis, such as sitting, lifting, running and walking;
  2. Having strong abdominal muscles helps prevent the development of back problems;
  3. It is good for posture – it requires the back to remain straight on the floor while running and the pelvis to be tilted while the abdomen is contracted. The result is not only strengthening the lower abdominal muscles, but also correcting the internal curve of the spine;
  4. It also works the external oblique abdominals, located on the side of the belly and which are responsible for pulling the muscles;
  5. The inverted abdomen reaches several muscles other than the lower rectus abdominis as a way to stabilize and offer movement assistance;
  6. Exercise further promotes increased flexibility of the lower abdominal muscles.

Examples of inverted abdominal exercises

Now that we know about the inverted abdominal, let’s look at some examples of exercises:

  1. Inverted abdominal

How to do it: Lie on your back on an exercise mat, knees bent and joined, legs flexed at a 90-degree angle, arms extended at your sides, palms facing the floor, and feet flat. on the ground as in the first image.

Then contract your abdomen to lift your hips off the floor, pressing your knees against your chest as per the second photograph. The movement of bringing the knees towards the chest should be performed by the hips and abdomen. Pause for a moment at the top of the movement and return to the original position, being careful not to bend the column or remove it from the floor.

 Exercise should not be done quickly and legs should be lowered slowly and controlled. In addition, you should not lift your neck anywhere in the activity.

  1. Inverted sit-up on the bench

How to do it: Sit on the edge of a bench with your hands resting on it and positioned at the side of your hips, your toes on the floor, your spine straightened, your chest raised, and your shoulders back as in the first image.

See too:

Then bend your knees at a 90 ° angle and lift your feet off the ground. Contract your abdomen and lean back slightly, bringing your knees toward your chest. Finally, return to the starting position.

When bringing your knees toward your chest, make sure not to bend your lower back. Do the whole exercise in a controlled, non-mechanical manner and keep your arms steady without allowing them to swing from side to side during the exercise. 

  1. Unilateral inverted abdominal


How to: Sit on the floor with your legs fully extended forward. Lean back slightly, concentrating the weight on your elbows. Keep your palms facing down and slightly raise both legs with your toes pointed up. The head, neck, upper back and forearm should not touch the floor either; The body should be stuck to the ground from the elbows as in the first image.

 The next step is to contract the abdomen and flex a leg, bringing the knee closer to the chest as much as you can. Then lower the leg to the starting position. After you finish the repetitions on one leg, do the exercise with the other leg. 

During movement, the neck should remain aligned with the back and spine. As you bring your knee closer to your chest, be careful not to bend your upper back. In addition, the movement must be performed slowly and controlled.

  1. Inverted Cable Abdominal

Connect an ankle strap accessory to a low pulley cable and place a treadmill on the floor in front of it. Sit with your feet toward the pulley and secure the cable to your ankles.

Lie down, lift your legs and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Your legs and cable should be aligned. If not, adjust the pulley up or down until they are.

With your hands behind your head, bring your knees into the trunk and raise your hips off the floor.
Stop for a moment and slowly and controlledly release your hips and bring your legs back to the initial 90 degree angle. You should still have tension in the abdomen in the resting position. Repeat the same movement until failure.

  1. Inverted abdominal with pelvic elevation

Start by lying on your back on the floor. Your legs should be straight and your arms at your side. This will be your starting position.

To perform the movement, place your knees toward your chest by flexing your hips and knees. After that, extend your legs directly above you so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Raise the pelvis to lift the buttocks off the floor. After a brief pause, return to the starting position.

  1. Declined inverted abdominal

Lie on your back on a sloping bench and hold the top of the bench with both hands. Do not let your body slip from this position.

Keep your legs parallel to the floor using the force of your abdomen, keeping your knees and feet together. The legs should be fully extended with a slight knee flexion. This will be your starting position.

As you exhale, move your legs toward the trunk while lifting your hips from the bench. At the end of this movement, your knees will touch your chest. Hold the contraction for one second and move your legs back to the starting position as you inhale. Repeat the recommended amount of repetitions.


Before you start following your inverted abdominal exercise workout, check with your doctor if you are fit to do it. It is also important to have the help and support of a physical education professional who can guide you on the right techniques and help if any problems occur.If you choose to work out yourself with the help of internet videos, be careful to pay close attention to the explanations of the videos and watch over and over again until you are sure how the movements should be made. Also, when feeling an injury or getting hurt, do not take long to seek medical attention.It is critical to make sure that the exercise is being done properly. Wrong movements can cause back injuries

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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