Skipping Rope Training – 10 Tips for Best Results

A skipping rope workout is one type of activity that has a number of benefits such as burning calories, improving cardiovascular shape and muscle toning.This type of training is good for the heart and strengthens both the upper and lower body.We already know that jumping rope is fun.

10 Tips for Weight Loss Jump Rope Training

  1. First of all: do a medical evaluation

The first step before you start your weight loss jump rope workout is to consult with a trusted doctor to make sure you are really fit to do the activity. There are considerations that determine whether the modality is appropriate for an individual or not.

These considerations can only be evaluated by a doctor, who will check the health of your patient and check whether or not there are conditions that make the exercise with the rope impracticable.

For example, skipping rope puts direct stress on the knees, ankles, and hips. Therefore, for those already suffering from problems in these areas, you really need to make sure that you will not have your aggravated jumping rope complications. Exercise may not be suitable for those who are very overweight.

  1. Beware of internet videos

If you prefer to do your skipping rope workout with YouTube tutorial guidelines only, be careful to watch the video several times and repeat and pause as many times as necessary to correctly see how each move should be performed.This is important so that you are less likely to get injured. After all, once you’re injured, you can’t train, can you?

And if you are injured, seek the help of a doctor or hospital to make sure it is not serious, as you will not have the help of a physical education professional.

  1. The rope

Another important point is the choice of rope to perform the activity. For beginners who do not yet have the habit of jumping with the rope, it is ideal to use a version of the accessory that is made of nylon. It is a lightweight material that facilitates training.The plastic rope is also recommended for beginners, because it has a lightweight and durable cord.

To make your skipping rope workout more challenging, you can adopt ropes made of cloth-coated steel, sisal (material used in the production of a hard fiber), leather, or weighted.Another need is for the rope to be adjustable or the length of the equipment to fit its size. Otherwise, there is a risk of pinching the foot on a short rope or losing strength in the gait if it is long.

To find out if the rope is the correct size, just do a little test: stand upright with one foot holding the rope. Then raise your arms holding the ends of the accessory. A rope of the correct size should not extend over the armpits or below chest level.

  1. The right shoes

You should wear a well-dampened sneaker when performing your jump rope training. This is because the activity has a strong impact on the lower limb joints

These protective attitudes we cited above are important because without them, you are at greater risk of injury. And once you are injured, you will not be able to work out and you will see your progress impaired.

  1. The ideal space

Another important point is to have a spacious environment when it comes to doing your jump rope workout to lose weight. If it is done in a gym, it will probably already be provided with adequate space.

However, if you choose to train at home, try to reserve a room without too much furniture so that they are not an obstacle and you run the risk of bumping into or tripping over them while working out. It is also recommended that the environment be an area of ​​approximately 1.2 m by 1.8 m and there is about 30 cm between the ceiling and your head.

The surface on which training takes place is also important. You should not try to jump rope on carpets, grass, concrete or asphalt. On the carpet, even if it decreases the impact, it can also grasp the shoes and cause an ankle or knee sprain.

Ideally, skipping rope on surfaces such as a wooden floor, a piece of plywood, or an exercise mat.

  1. Keeping an eye on technique

Those who have the help of the physical trainer will already receive the proper guidelines of the skipping rope technique. But anyway, here’s a tip: Don’t use the rope excessively, leaning on your shoulders and moving your whole arm down and up while jumping.

Ideally, hold the strings with your elbows bent and tucked laterally, allowing your wrists to do most of the work. The action must be small, controlled and concentrated.

  1. No need to jump so high

Do not jump too high with the rope. What you have to do is just get enough air (when jumping) so that the rope slips under your feet. The knees should remain soft and flat on the toes, using it as a kind of springboard or launching pad.

  1. Slow pace

To complete all your training and burn off all the calories a full session can spend, it’s important to go slow. Skipping a rope too fast can cause you to get tangled up with the rope. Not to mention the risk of falling and getting hurt.

So if you want to get to the end of your training, the safest thing is to keep a slower pace at the time you jump the rope.

  1. Record your progress

Separate a notebook, calendar, mobile app, or file on your computer to note your progress in training. Write how many sets, repetitions, and minutes you have spent on your sessions since you started doing the activity.

Also write down your weekly weight to see if exercise is really helping you lose weight, even if it is not the only tactic needed to lose weight (for example, a healthy diet). It is also worth recording how you feel. For example, if you have seen that your fitness has improved or if you take longer than before to get tired.

This helps you see how much you have improved since you started with the sport and the results you have achieved. If they are good, it will motivate them to move on and make further progress. If they are unsatisfactory, you can sit down with the personal and reevaluate the training, making the necessary changes to make the goals appear.

  1. Have the support of a physical trainer

Skipping rope training can also be used by adults who are already in good shape to enhance the exercise routine, and if done properly, lower impact training can be achieved than running.In either case, it is important to have the support of a physical instructor, either to determine how the activity can fit into an already assembled workout or to create a lower impact set.

Professional assistance is important because they are able to determine the characteristics of beginner rope training, such as number of sets and repetitions, training frequency and intensity, and to properly teach how the technique of each movement should be, given that only the achievement of your student’s goals, as well as their health and injury prevention.And if the practitioner still gets injured, the physical trainer can give first aid and refer him or her to a doctor or hospital if necessary.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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