
Independence . It is the antonym of dependency. It is every being or anything that can exist or function by itself, without having to accept, tolerate or allow external interference. A human being is independent when he can fend for himself, assume his responsibilities and satisfy his needs without resorting to other people, objects or substances. As a political concept, independence is the situation of a country or nation that is not subject to the authority of another.

As a political concept

It emerged as a political concept after the Declaration of Independence of the United States that was presented in 1776 in response to European colonialism, and was extended with the Haitian Act of Independence of 1804 after the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) and the declarations of independence of the Latin American countries dependent on the Spanish Empire in the Spanish American Wars of Independence (1810-1821).

The concept was also closely related to the principle of non-intervention and the right of self-determination of peoples and with the possibility that any country , region or community has to self-govern and thus set aside any domain or guardianship that may come from another region or political entity.

Other concepts

Independence is a moral and ethical value that has to do with the capacity that a subject demonstrates to fend for himself and not be subject to the tutelage or dominion of a superior entity.

Independence is, in other words, non-dependency. Thus understood, the term means the possibility of making decisions autonomously and freely. The notion of independence is deeply linked to that of freedom , making it one of the most important and essential elements for human life.

At the same time, the notion of independence can be applied to the everyday life of an ordinary person. In this sense, an independent person is one who can fend for himself either in economic, social, labor or housing matters.


by Abdullah Sam
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