Federal Republic

Federal Republic (Calatayud, Z., 1629 -?,?). Sculptor.

Biographical data

State organization system, based on the free pact that is established between the different members of the Federation (States), a pact that regulates the powers of the federal power and lower powers. In Aragon, federalism has antecedents in the Revolutionary Juntas that were formed in the first half of the 19th century (1835 and 1854), but it only takes on a letter of nature after the Revolution of 1868 .

On 18-V-1869 the republican-federal committees of the former countries of the Crown of Aragon meet, and sign the so-called Pact of Tortosa . During these years, a large federal-republican press emerged, but the differences between the different branches of federalism caused major confrontations. Given the delay in putting into practice the Federal Constitution of 1873, the federals are divided into two sectors, the first of which is that the federation must be proclaimed by the Constituent Cortes (position of the Federal Democratic Republican Party and the newspaper El Estado Aragonese ) and the second, weaker, requires the immediate proclamation of the Aragonese State, and the subsequent federation (position ofThe Autonomy of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Canton). Given the delay in the proclamation, this second position will become cantonalism.

Once the monarchy was reestablished, Aragonese federalism only revived when a Federal Assembly was held in Zaragoza in March 1883, which drafted a draft of the Federal Constitution for Aragon. But federalism will no longer be reborn as such. Its successors are the regionalist movements, for which autonomy is very close to the previous concept of federation. In 1897 the Alcañiz Regionalist Assembly was held , the beginning of Aragonese autonomism. Federalists are the approaches maintained at this time by Carlism, although they do not take this name. Federalists are also different movements or organizations during the first third of the 20th century. Thus, this character does not hide the Autonomous Republican Party of Aragon created in 1914.

Throughout this period, federalism and republicanism are closely linked and in the Aragonese spheres the proclamation, in 1931, of the Unitary Republic constitutes a real disappointment. The line of action chosen by the federalists is the elaboration of the Statute of Autonomy, and in this perspective the birth, in December 1933, of the nationalist group Aragonese State is framed . It will be their youth (Youth ” Los Almogávares “) who organize the Autonomous Congress of Caspe in May 1936.

Since the Second Republic, practically the entire left in Aragon has declared itself a federalist. Only in the late 1970s with the revival of nationalism, some left-wing groups will question the future federal organization of the State, calling for other solutions.


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