Importance of Cleanliness of Food For Childrens

More than half of diseases and deaths in children under five are caused by germs that enter the mouth through dirty food, water and hands, etc.

Importance of Cleanliness

Children, especially toddlers (Under Five Years) often put their hands or objects other than food in their mouths, usually just to play with them. So it is important to always keep the hands of toddlers clean, get rid of or clean objects around that are likely to be reached by toddlers.

The habit of washing hands with soap and water can prevent diarrhea , reduce the risk of respiratory infections such as pneumonia and other diseases, including eye infections, especially trachoma. While germs and microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye, it is difficult to get rid of them, but maintaining good hygiene reduces the risk, and has been shown to have a positive effect.

Obligations of parents and the environment to protect children under five from disease caused by the entry of germs through the mouth; by maintaining cleanliness and paying attention to the child’s behavior and directing it in a good way.

Food Hygiene

Food/food ingredients can be dangerous if not washed and/or cooked properly. Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly before processing. Cooked food should be eaten immediately or reheated after storage.

Cooking food can kill germs. Food, especially meat and poultry, must be thoroughly cooked. Food should be consumed immediately after cooking so that it does not become a breeding ground for germs.

  • If food must be stored for more than two hours, it should be kept refrigerated or heated.
  • If cooked food is not eaten immediately, it should be covered to keep out flies and insects. If you want to eat food, it must be heated first.

Raw foods, especially poultry and seafood, usually contain germs. Cooked food can be exposed to germs if it comes in contact with raw food. So, raw food is not mixed with cooked food. Knives, cutting boards, and dishes used for raw food should always be washed with soap.

  • Special attention is needed in preparing baby and child food. Their food should always be fresh and fresh.
  • Breast milk is the safest milk and has the best nutritional content for infants and children. Expressed milk can be stored at room temperature for up to eight hours, as long as it is in a clean and covered place. All foods of poultry origin should be thoroughly and thoroughly cooked to avoid bird flu.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be peeled or washed under clean running water, especially if they are to be given raw to infants or young children. Fruits and vegetables usually contain residues of pesticides and herbicides, which are dangerous if ingested.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after handling raw food.

Cutlery Cleaning

Food, cutlery and cooking utensils must always be clean, food must be stored in a closed place. It is important to pay attention in terms of washing cutlery, how to store, and use it by considering the possibility of being contaminated by germs that can cause and cause disease, especially for toddlers.

Likewise, if you buy snacks or buy food outside the home; Whether it’s eating in or being packaged and brought home, it’s important to pay attention to hygiene, food hygiene, food ingredients, cutlery, packaging, etc. If you have been exposed to the disease, it will be troublesome for all parties, worry, and of course will require energy, thought and money.

Germs in food can be ingested and cause illness. In order to avoid germs that cause a number of diseases, then:

  • Eating/drinking utensils must always be clean.
  • Knives, cookware, pots, cups, glasses, spoons and plates should be clean and kept closed.
  • Washcloths/napkins for cleaning dishes and pans should be washed every day and dried in the hot sun. Dishes and utensils should be washed immediately after eating and dried on a rack.
  • Food should be stored in a closed place to avoid animals, insects and dust.
  • Do not use milk bottles and pacifiers because they can be a home for germs that cause diarrhea. Give the child breast milk, or food in a clean glass.

Kitchen Smoke

Kitchen smoke at home must be able to come out properly and avoid the mother’s habit of bringing children when cooking in the kitchen. Kitchen smoke is very dangerous because it can cause diseases of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the house must be free from kitchen smoke. If there is a lot of kitchen smoke, it will be very dangerous to bring small children when cooking in the kitchen. The child can inhale smoke and result in shortness of breath and cause eye irritation. It is endeavored that the kitchen has a chimney/sufficient ventilation so that the smoke from the kitchen can flow out immediately and there is a good change of air.

by Abdullah Sam
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