Breastfeeding and Supplementary Food for Children

Starting at the age of 6 months, when the baby begins to learn to eat, breastfeeding should be continued until the age of 2 years or more, because breast milk is a source of nutrients, energy and provides protection against disease.

Breastfeeding is given until the age of 2 years

Breast milk remains an important source of energy, protein and other nutrients such as Vitamin A and iron, even when babies start consuming complementary foods from the age of six months. Breast milk helps protect children against various diseases, as long as the baby is getting breast milk.

It is highly recommended that mothers continue breastfeeding until the child is two years old or older as long as the child is still breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can calm an anxious child and is an important source of nutrition when a child is sick.

Need for Supplementary Food

In addition to breast milk, babies aged 6-8 months need to be given additional food (also called MP-ASI; complementary foods for breast milk) in the form of crushed food two to three times a day, and from nine months of age three to four times a day. They need to be given a snack or two, such as fruit, bread or cake, depending on the child’s taste.

At first, babies are given small amounts of food first, then gradually increase in type and amount according to the baby’s growth. Good nutrition for children under the age of two is very important. Insufficient nutrition in children at this age can slow the child’s physical and mental development throughout his life. In order to grow and stay healthy, children need a variety of nutritious foods such as meat, fish, nuts, eggs, fruits and vegetables in addition to breast milk.

Feeding Frequency in Children

The stomach of a child is smaller than the stomach of an adult, so a child cannot eat large amounts of food at each meal. However, the need for energy and child growth is very large. Therefore a child needs to eat often, to meet all his needs.

Foods such as boiled vegetables, minced meat, eggs, or fish should be given to children as often as possible. A little oil should be given to the child, especially oil fortified with vitamins.

It is better for children to be fed in the child’s own plate or bowl, so that parents or caregivers will more easily know what food and how much the child has eaten. Children may need to be coaxed into eating, and they may need help organizing food and utensils. Children who are developmentally slow or disabled need special assistance to eat and drink.

Frequency of Eating according to Age

Here below is some information on how often a child should be fed:

6-9 months: The
child should get breast milk frequently, and get other foods two to three times a day. Parents should introduce soft foods (such as porridge), and gradually increase the consistency of the food. Foods of animal origin, such as meat, eggs, and fish, can be given as early as possible but must be softened in small pieces. Start with 2-3 full spoons at each meal, then increase to 1/2 a 250cc cup.

9-24 months:
Children aged 9 – 12 months need to get 1/2 cup 250 cc of soft food at every meal (three times soft food plus two snacks plus breast milk). Children aged 12-24 months need 1 full bowl of 250 cc of family food at each meal (three meals plus two snacks plus breast milk). Children aged two years and over need at least 1 full bowl at each meal. If the child can finish his food and still wants more, then it should be given.

From 12 months of age:
Almost all children are able to consume solid “family food”. They can still be given semi-solid foods, which are easier for children to digest. Since the child is six months old, additional food in the form of nutritious snacks (such as fruit, or cake) can be given once or twice a day, according to the child’s taste. Once or twice a day, according to the child’s taste.

Baby food forms

At the age of 6 months,
complementary foods should be given in small portions, even if the texture of complementary foods on the first days should be liquid like breast milk. This is to help the baby adjust to his new food so he doesn’t feel foreign to the new food. One possible condition is that the baby refuses to give food in the early stages of complementary feeding, give it slowly, don’t delay your baby being hungry or still full. This is because when your baby is angry or crying it will make him refuse because of hunger.

Age 7-8 months
At this age your baby can already be introduced to filtered foods, of course with a coarser texture but can still be adapted to your baby’s digestion. Give it in small portions, you don’t need to worry that the baby is starving because it is still given breast milk even in limited quantities. (Another interesting article: Baby Gear).

Age 9 months
Now, entering the age of 9 months babies can be introduced to food textures that are rougher than before. As a first step, you can mix the filter team with the regular team so it doesn’t surprise the digestive tract. If on the last days your baby receives it, you can give team rice with a mixture of side dishes and vegetables. That way your child will get used to healthy family food.

12 month old baby
At the age of 12 months, children can already be given a food menu like your family’s menu, this is related to the growth of baby teeth at this age. However, also pay attention to the spices used in the food menu, avoid using spices with a sharp smell and also a texture that is too hard. Invite your family to eat together at the dinner table so that you get used to the family diet, also prepare plates and spoons with special ingredients for babies. .

If the quality or amount of food at each meal is low, or the child is no longer breastfed, then give 1-2 cups of milk plus additional food each day.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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