Impact of Natural Phenomena

As a result of its economic and technological development, man has produced great imbalances in the atmosphere due to its direct impacts on the irrational use of natural resources and through its polluting activities of industrial, agricultural, mining, domestic, agricultural and other origin. factors that alter the conditions of planet earth. The human being has been responsible for causing quantities of problems in the environment that produce great alterations in the climate and consequently phenomena of nature that become natural disasters that charge the loss of materials, human lives and the destruction of the natural environment .

The environmental impacts of humanity are causing the planet to present natural phenomena such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, among others that when exceeding a normal limit become natural disasters that deteriorate the quality of life of societies, of the environment and of future generations.

For this reason, natural disasters are the damages, losses, destruction and effects caused by the phenomena of nature by the unconscious activities of man that alter the conditions of the planet and society in all aspects of life. Natural disasters can be due to previous phenomena or caused by the action of man with environmental pollution, overexploitation of renewable resources, deforestation, forest fires, solid waste generation, overgrazing, illegal mining, fossil fuels, development of unsustainable projects, among other human activities that give rise to natural and environmental disasters.

Disasters should not be confused with the phenomena of nature, since natural disasters are mostly caused by humanity and indeed by the natural phenomena of the planet. In itself, natural disasters impact producing imbalances in society and the environment.

Natural disasters in the interior and surface of the earth can be: earthquake, tsunamis or tsunami, volcanic eruption, huaico, flood, avalanche, landslide and landslide. Disasters due to hydrological phenomena are storms, floods, tornadoes, droughts, hurricanes, hailstorms and among man-made disasters are the current contamination of water such as rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, oil pollution, carbon dioxide, waste hazardous, radioactive material, felling of trees, destruction of ecosystems, habitats, biological diversity, natural areas and among other environmental problems that impact on human health and environmental quality.

Natural disasters are caused primarily by man, population growth, activities of economic ambition, irrational use of air, water, soil, flora and fauna, land use, poor planning, security measures, management and sanitation. environmental, emergency plans, environmental education programs, public policies and lack of any other priority activity to reduce the risk of any event, disaster or natural phenomenon.

Natural disasters have as devastating consequences the impact on the economic, social, cultural, political and environmental development of any country. At the same time, they impact on social construction, agricultural production, food security, education, increases poverty, human losses, natural resources, proliferation of diseases and, above all, on the quality of life of citizens and the deterioration of the environment.

Natural disasters can be prevented or minimized by ordering the territory with planning according to socio-environmental characteristics, implementing programs or campaigns available to citizens, warning systems, developing risk maps in all areas of society, creating measures of emergencies, educate and prepare the population regarding disasters or natural phenomena, promote professions in civil protection, risk management, health, environmental education, among other disciplines, achieve the maintenance of natural areas, reduce pollution and promote a World culture of prevention, mitigation and preparedness for natural disasters.

The best protection measure to reduce phenomena and therefore natural disasters is to care, protect, value, maintain and conserve the environment for an ecological balance between man and nature. That is, if humanity does not stop the destruction of the environment and the amount of environmental problems, natural disasters will be greater and more frequently, since the planet does not support that climatic and atmospheric alteration that environmental pollution by humanity has caused global warming of the earth that puts the stability of present and future generations at risk.

Natural Disasters originate from Man and the Phenomena of Nature

Reducing Natural Disasters is the responsibility of all humanity


by Abdullah Sam
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