Environmental Management

The environmental impacts of economic development every day are greater, affecting the quality of both health and the environment. The activities that man carries out for his growth reduce renewable natural resources, as a result of the overexploitation of air, water, soil, flora and fauna, as well as the generation of solid waste, pollutant emissions, destruction of natural spaces , ecosystems, habitats, diversity of species, among other global problems that produce imbalances on the planet.

The amount of environmental problems is due to inefficiency, lack of planning and comprehensive management of environmental systems. That is, a strategy, tool or instrument that plans and organizes the anthropic activities that impact the environment.

Environmental management plays an essential role in achieving the objectives of sustainable development, where humanity rationally and consciously exploits natural resources for a better quality of life without compromising that of future generations. Thus, it is to achieve economic development and progress based on conserving the natural environment.

Environmental management is the set of activities, techniques, strategies, procedures and actions to achieve new economic progress that guarantees an ecological balance for sustainable development and quality of life of societies. In other words, environmental management is to diagnose, plan, mitigate, control, prevent and evaluate the environmental impacts of citizens’ activities on their environment.

It is the best strategy to identify and correct environmental problems, as well as order and regulate the activities of man and those of companies, based on achieving eco-efficiency, maintaining, caring for, protecting and conserving the environment. In itself, it is to achieve a balance between man’s activities with nature and all its natural resources.

The main objectives of environmental management are the planning of the territory of the municipality to diagnose the socio-environmental situation, conservation of protected areas and spaces of great value, prevention of ecological impacts, sustainable use of natural resources, protect water flows, reduce and prevent pollution, execute environmental education programs to raise awareness and raise public awareness, and put the environment on all things for human survival.

Among the main areas of study of environmental management are:

Environmental impact studies , a tool to mitigate and prevent the negative and positive impacts of projects developed by man.

Environmental audits , process to evaluate, analyze and act on the problems presented and ensure environmental compliance.

Environmental policy , activities of the state based on national and international environmental treaties.

Land use planning, activity planning and land use.
Environmental pollution, control, prevention and study of substances that alter the environment.

Biodiversity , conservation of the diversity of animal and plant species.

Landscape , variety of ecosystems and natural spaces.

Environmental education , knowledge of the environment, through values, habits and sustainable behaviors.

Among the main aspects of environmental management are (land management, conservation of the main elements of the environment such as air, water, soil, flora and fauna, protection of natural, recreational and educational areas and environmental control through education, information, research, participation, planning, execution and development of environmental policies and laws.

With environmental or environmental management, benefits such as:

  • Diagnose environmental situations to plan, execute and evaluate measures to solve environmental problems.
  • Social activities are organized to conserve natural resources and ecosystems.
  • Prevention and minimization of environmental pollution in all types.
  • Sustainable projects
  • Citizen participation.
  • Increased awareness and awareness.
  • Information and environmental training.
  • Environmental education
  • Environmental legislation.
  • Control and surveillance
  • Business environmental management system.
  • Eco-efficiency

Environmental management must be a priority and a necessity in the face of the environmental crisis, so that humanity develops in balance with its environment and sustainably uses natural resources. Environmental management must be implemented as a comprehensive management system by both companies and communities to reverse the impacts of human activities and solve environmental problems. Each country must promote and promote environmental management as the best alternative and strategy to achieve both sustainable development and the quality of life of present and future generations.

Environmental Management is Achieving an Ecological Balance for Sustainable Development and quality of Life of Humanity

by Abdullah Sam
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