Identify different types of soil

Soil is a natural resource, each soil has its distinctive characteristics that play a role in the growth of the plant. Knowing the soil is essential for gardening or crop cultivation. What you cultivate, it is very important to know if it is in the soil. Sandy soils, clay, clay, peat, clay soil and loamy soils can be classified according to the particle size effect.

Sandy soil

Sandy soils are light, warm, dry and acidic and have low nutrient content. Sand is light due to the abundance of sand and a slight clay mixture on the ground (weighs more than clay sand).

These can drain the soil quickly and are easy to work with. This soil heats up faster in the spring than mud soils, but dries in summer and washed down by rain, reducing the amount of nutrients.

The combination of organic matter helps to provide additional nutrients to the tree by increasing soil nutrients and water holding capacity.

Mud soil

Soil is a heavy soil that is highly nutritious. The weeds remain wet and cold in the winter and dry in the summer.

More than 20 percent of this soil is made up of clay, and because of the space between its particles, the clay can contain a large amount of water.

As these soils drain slowly and take longer to heat in summer, gardeners often recommend using these soils in the garden.

Soil type

Clay soil

Pale soils are light and moist fertile soils.

The clay soil is medium sized, and the soil is very dry and can hold moisture well.

These soil particles can be easily mixed and are at risk of being washed away with rain.

By adding organic matter, the poly particles become more stable.

Peat soil

Peat soil contains lots of organic matter and can hold a lot of moisture.

Peat soil

This type of soil is rarely available in the garden and is often imported from the outside and used in the field.

Clay soil

Because of calcium carbonate or lime in its formation, the clay soil is light or heavy but can always be high alkaline.

Because these soils are alkaline, Ericaceous is not suitable for growing native plants, which require acidic soil to grow.

If a clumpy soil exhibits visible white marks, they cannot be acidic and only need to choose plants that can grow on alkaline soil.

Clay soil

Loamy soil

Doha soil is a mixture of sand, silt and clay that combine to avoid the negative effects of each type of soil.

This soil is fertile, easy to operate and well-drained. Depending on the basic ingredients of this soil mixture, they may be sandy loam or clay loam.

Since such soil has perfect balance, this soil is considered as best friend of the farmer. It can be further enhanced by adding additional organic matter.


by Abdullah Sam
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