Hygiene: the first step to prevent disease

We all know the importance of hygiene in our lives. However, what many people do not realize is the way it also impacts our health, and may even prevent us from diseases.

So, we made this post with the main hygiene tips that will help you prevent diseases and illnesses like flu, hepatitis, ringworm and intestinal stomach problems.

1. Wash your hands well

We are in constant contact with dirty objects and possible disease transmitters. Therefore, it is essential to always wash your hands with soap and water, or with alcohol gel, especially after coughing or sneezing; after using the bathroom; before eating and handling food; before and after touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

It is also important to remember about the care of keeping your nails properly clean and trimmed. And never gnaw them! Since this facilitates contamination by bacteria.

Also read: Handshake and hygiene

2. Oral hygiene

Brushing your teeth and flossing after meals are basic care for oral health, but many times are left aside by many people.

But did you know that, in addition to preventing bacteria, brushing your teeth also helps prevent heart disease? Researchers at Columbia University in New York found that people who don’t brush their teeth constantly make life easier for more than 700 types of bacteria. Bacteria which can travel through the bloodstream and reach the heart.

So be aware that this simple hygiene habit can save your life.

As we mentioned in Easter Cleaning: removing chocolate stains and other tips , brushing should be done within 15 minutes after the meal. Prefer a brush with soft bristles and hold it at an angle of 45 degrees. Make short, light movements from the bottom upwards, starting from the line of the gingival margin. Also watch out for brushing on the back of your teeth. Rinse your mouth and then clean your tongue.

3. Watch out for moisture

Try to put your towels and clothes in general to dry in the sun. Avoid leaving them to dry in the bathroom or on the bed. When the clothes stay wet for a long time, the chance of accumulating fungi and bacteria is huge and with that, problems can arise in the skin, hair, among others.

Therefore, avoid using wet clothes as much as possible. Did it rain? As soon as possible, change your clothes immediately and put the wet ones in the machine or to dry on the clothesline. What does not count is to leave the pieces drying on the body, nor to leave them thrown in the basket.

Know The difference between: cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing

4. Don’t share your belongings

Obviously, this is only valid for parts that are at high risk of being contaminated, but you should always pay attention.

Mainly avoid sharing underwear, bikinis, bath towels and toothbrushes.

5. Take a shower every day

It may seem a little obvious, but it is always good to remember. Take a shower daily, especially at night. After all, we spent the whole day having contact with various environments and dirty surfaces – walls, credit cards, money, tables, counters, computers, phones and even people. And we don’t want to take all that dirt to our bed, do we?

6. Avoid sitting in public toilets

Surfaces such as toilets can contain microorganisms that are hazardous to health. In addition, urine droplets are often scattered on the toilet seat, and it is unhygienic to have this contact.

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7. Try not to walk barefoot

Walking barefoot, although it is great for strengthening the muscles of the feet, can end up in infections or skin problems. Avoid walking barefoot through busy environments and getting in and out of the house like this.

8. Keep your environments clean

Just like your body, the environments in which you live also need to be cleaned frequently. Whether in your home or in your company, it is important that cleaning is done at least once a week. Try to pay special attention to the kitchen and bathroom.

As we have seen, some diseases are directly related to poor cleaning and conservation of our body. Therefore, it is necessary to know that taking care of yourself with cleanliness is the first step to prevent discomfort and have better health.

For more hygiene and cleaning tips, stay on top of our blog posts! After all, we love cleaning and we are always looking for the best content for our readers.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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