How you can improve your communication using NLP

Today more than ever it is necessary to improve our relationships and communication processes within organizations and society, to pay attention to people’s values ​​and their communication processes.
People who have improvements in professional life also have improvements in private life.

Behavior is always governed by criteria of utility, by implementing the correct one you can reach a goal.
Behind the behavior is a positive intention that leads to a goal.
This is the substance of communication.

NLP provides tools and strategies that are useful for those who want to improve their performance and want to live situations and everyday life better, enhancing the skills that allow us to achieve our goals and overcoming the limitations that hold us back.

What is NLP

The neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is a model for the study and interpretation of human potential . It provides techniques, tools, rules, models and ideas to improve one’s personal and professional life , to be more self- confident.
NLP is an integration of psychology, linguistics, systems theory and cybernetics.

Neuro-linguistic programming is based on the study of what happens inside individuals when they grow up and experience. The term programming means the way to program the sequences necessary to obtain specific results.
Each behavior has its own structure and it can be modified and improved.


What NLP can do


Like the computer (electronic brain), our brain is also programmed by the experiences we have during our life.

We can reprogram our brains , eliminating programs that give rise to negative behaviors and installing new programs that allow us to enhance our skills and reach our goals more easily.


The neurological process
The interpretation of a lived experience contributes to the construction of a conviction and the conviction can condition future experiences , both positively and negatively.


Changing the system of description of an experience , in addition to changing the memory, also changes the representation of the experience itself.
This fact will affect how we will have the same experience in the future.


The communication
process The communication process is a recursive and retroactive emission and reception process in which our response (emission) influences the subsequent emission of our interlocutor, which in turn influences our response.

In a difficult communication, such as during a fight, it does not matter what or who originated it but it is better, at some point, to start communicating with awareness rather than automatically reacting to stimuli.
It is my task to find a way of communicating that is more suitable for the recipient so that my message reaches him in such a way that it has the same connotation and the same meaning it has for me.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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