How to zoom in Minecraft

Are you looking for a guide that explains in detail how to zoom in Minecraft ? Very well, you found it! In this article we are going to show you the procedure to succeed in your intent. There are actually two ways to achieve the same goal, in the next few lines we will tell you everything.

Knowing how to chew on Minecraft is still a simple operation, here are all our tips.

How to zoom in Minecraft

You recently became passionate about Minecraft, and also started watching some gameplay videos on YouTube. Seeing them, you realized that they were zooming in on the game world of the title of Mojang, and for this you are now wondering how to zoom in on Minecraft . Well, we can tell you that you came to the right place at the right time!

To do this you have two possibilities: either install and download an add-on, or – if you are not going to use any way – simply change some game settings. So now take a few minutes of free time: we are sure that, once you have finished reading the article, you will have a clearer picture of what you need to do. But call to delay, let’s go!

How to zoom in Minecraft with OptiFine

Let’s start with the procedure to be performed if you want to know how to zoom on Minecraft with OptiFine (which is also the one we recommend for zooming on the popular game). It is a third party add-on for Minecraft that allows you to optimize the game. To use it, you must download it by connecting to the OptiFine website . Find the most recent version of the mod for the version of Minecraft installed on your PC.

Once this is done, click on the Mirror item and start the download of the OptiFine installation package: to do this, just press the word Download Optifine_1.x.xx_HD_xx.jar . This will start the download of the OptiFine .JAR file on your PC, then double click on the file you just downloaded and in the box that will be shown to you, click first on the Install button and then on OK. You have completed the installation!

At this point, start Minecraft by double clicking on its icon and press the  symbol next to the Play button. Once this is done, you will see a box where you will have to select the Optifine profile and press the Play button again. In this way, Minecraft will start with support for OptiFine. You may notice several improvements from a graphic point of view, but the question you are asking yourself is the same: how to zoom?

Very simple: all you have to do is press the C key on the keyboard . You will immediately zoom in on the viewfinder focus in the center of the screen. Once the button is released, the zoom will return to normal mode.

How to zoom in Minecraft without OptiFine

If instead you are wondering how to zoom in Minecraft without OptiFine , this is the paragraph that is right for you. In fact, you can proceed without problems even without the help of the add-on that we have analyzed in the previous lines. To do it, just change the game settings, in order to simulate the zoom effect.

First start Minecraft, then start a game session and pause the title. Once this is done, pause the title using the Esc key and, from the panel shown, select the Options item. This will take you to the Minecraft settings panel. You will see a new screen, where you will have to find the Field of View option: here move the lever to the left, in order to decrease the FOV of the game screen. Therefore, the lower the set level, the greater the zoom.

As you can guess, this is a less immediate procedure than the one indicated above: in fact, every time you want to increase or decrease the zoom level, you will have to act on this item in the settings panel. To return to the original settings, simply press the Esc key.

How to zoom in Minecraft: conclusions

Now you should have a complete and comprehensive overview on how to zoom in Minecraft . We just have to meet you next time, in the hope that our guide will have been concretely helpful in dispelling your doubts. See you soon!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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