How To Write Research Papers

How To Write Research Paper. its simplest form must be known by those who are currently pursuing academic education both in school and in college. Writing a paper can be likened to an academic ritual for students or students who are concerned with research activities.

Papers are basically research reports. It’s just that the research report is written in the form of a scientific paper so it must be in accordance with academic principles. If the reader is not sure about the definition of a paper, here we agree at the outset that the paper I mean is a scientific paper.

How To Write Research Papers

◊ Determine the formulation of a specific research problem

The formulation of the research problem is arguably the heart of the research design. Determining the formulation of the problem can also be placed as the first step in writing a paper. Writing a paper should be preceded by a research process. Before conducting research, the researcher must first formulate the research problem.

In accordance with the term, the formulation of the problem contains the problem that the researcher wants to discuss and ask questions to be answered through his research. To formulate a research problem, the researcher captures the surrounding phenomena, either by observing, reading literature, reading news and so on. After capturing this phenomenon, researchers explored what made him curious.

For example, a researcher reads news about schools and colleges that according to various sources are exposed to radicalism. Researchers see that the campus is indicated to be a terrorist hotbed. Seeing this phenomenon, researchers are curious about radicalism and terrorism. Then the researcher wants to know whether radicalism is the same as terrorism.

This curiosity can be an initial capital for someone to do research and write papers. At this point, researchers can formulate research problems such as: How can the campus be indicated as being exposed to radicalism? What are the critics of radicalism? Is there a difference between radicalism and terrorism? etc.

Also read: How to Make a Problem Formulation

◊ Write down the structure of the paper or the arrangement of the papers

As stated earlier, problem formulation can be seen as the core of paper writing. If the problem statement is clear and specific, the process of writing a paper is arguably easier.

The next step that readers need to take here is to create a structure for the paper to be written. Structure can also be interpreted as a framework or arrangement of papers. As an important part of how to write a paper, the paper structure must be made clearly because it will guide how the paper is written later.

In general, the structure or composition of a paper begins with a title and ends with a bibliography or reference. The standard content section consists of four parts, namely introduction, methods, results, and discussion. Standard high school level papers are usually even simpler, namely, an introduction, discussion or content, and a conclusion in the form of conclusions and suggestions.

In another post, I have written about standard examples of paper layout. Readers can googling with the keyword “paper arrangement” or click on the following link: Paper Arrangement: Examples and Explanations

Do your research and write right away

The next step after the finished paper is to immediately conduct research and write down the results of the research. How the research is carried out must be in accordance with what is written in the research method.

Actually writing papers and research are two inseparable things. This is because the paper itself is a research report as presented at the outset. Moreover, papers must be written with scientific elements and can be accounted for academically. One of these scientific elements must be fulfilled by conducting scientific research.

The three steps above are simple steps that can be applied especially by students, students and novice researchers who will write papers. Apart from these three steps, how to make a good and correct paper can be done by avoiding or at least minimizing some common mistakes in writing papers that often occur, as in the following points:

Avoid some common paper writing mistakes, such as:

  • The formulation of the problem or research question is not specific
  • The arrangement of papers is not systematic
  • Not in accordance with the paper assigner’s instructions
  • The number of words exceeds what has been set
  • The introductory section is twice as long as the research results section
  • The research findings are not linked to the research question
  • Does not answer the problem statement
  • The references used are irrelevant
  • Written in slang so that the scientific impression is lost

Also read: Research Data Collection Methods The four steps to making the paper, again are standard or basic steps. The practice is, of course, usually more complex. At least, readers have an initial idea of ​​how to make a paper before actually writing a paper for academic or other purposes.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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