How to virtualize Android on Android with VMOS

Did you know that it is possible to virtualize Android on Android with VMOS ? It is a free application that allows you to run an independent operating system within your own Android phone, which is like a virtual machine.

That is, you can use two instances of Android , the one on your own phone and the one running the VMOS application. It is a complete system, that is, you can use all the apps you want and you also have Google Play at your disposal to download any app.

But the most interesting thing comes, VMOS allows you to run apps that need root , so it can be very interesting for users who need precisely this feature, being able to try apps here that they would not want to use on their smartphone.

Download VMOS from Google Play

VMOS is an app that we can get for free from Google Play , but keep in mind that it weighs a lot compared to other applications, so you should have a little patience.

  • Download VMOS for Android

Once downloaded follow these steps:

  • Open VMOS and give it the necessary permissions, they are quite a few, but it is better that you authorize all of them because otherwise the operation might not be as expected.
  • When you finish that step, open the app and you will notice that a ROM download will begin, a process that can take around 5 minutes between downloading, installing and opening.
  • When finished, you will be able to open the virtual machine with Android, where you will find a ready and very complete system with everything you need to use it, from Google Play to different settings. It is as if you have a second Android phone , but without having it.

Within that Android, you can download WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and any other app you want to use or test. Of course, everything you do in this virtual machine will not affect the operation of your phone where you have VMOS installed.

In any case, there is something you should know, and that is that to run VMOS it is highly recommended to have a phone with powerful technical characteristics so that the virtualized Android offered by the app works perfectly.

Possibly, when you are running Android on VMOS, you will notice that at certain times your phone suffers in performance, but it is normal, because you must remember that you are actually running two systems, the mobile one and the virtualized one.

The virtual machine will work in the background, and in the meantime, you can use your phone normally . At the moment you want you can open it again or even close it if you do not want to use it for a long time, so it will not affect the performance of your mobile.

It is very easy to virtualize Android on Android with VMOS , no need for extra settings or other strange things, a simple free app allows any user to have a second Android on their device to use as an app test, to store multimedia content, etc.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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