How to Use the PivotTable Wizard in Excel

If you have ever worked with Microsoft Excel you should know all the tools for creating spreadsheets, databases and process control. If not, you can also start learning to take advantage of this versatile program that will allow you to carry out any task you need. And in the same way, if at any time you have to work with a large extension of data, you may feel that the data processing is somewhat cumbersome. However, Excel offers more utilities to make it easier for you to create and handle large amounts of data. We are talking about the pivot table wizard. That is why this time we will explain what it is and what it is for, as well as how to use the pivot table wizard in Excel .

Index(  )

  1. How can I make a pivot table using my computer keyboard?
  2. What function do pivot table wizards have in Excel?
  3. What are the benefits of using the PivotTable Wizard in Excel files?
  4. How can I create a pivot table using the Excel wizard?

How can I make a pivot table using my computer keyboard?

To make a pivot table, you only have to follow a series of simple steps , without the need to use the wizard. Currently there are keyboard shortcuts that allow us to create a pivot table, so the following steps must be followed:

  1. Open the Excel document where we want to create the pivot table.
  2. Select all the cells that will be part of the table. It is important that no empty rows or columns are selected.
  3. Then press the ‘Alt + B’keys to activate the Excel keyboard shortcuts. In itself, you must follow this sequence of keys: ‘Alt + B’ > ‘I’ > ‘T’ .
  4. Immediately a pop-up window will appear where in the section ‘Select the data to analyze’you must click on ‘Select a table or range’ .
  5. Having previously selected the rows and columns of our dynamic table we will have to check the range of cells in ‘Table or range’.
  6. Then ‘New spreadsheet’or ‘Existing spreadsheet’ must be selected in the ‘Choose where you want to place the pivot table report’ section . Likewise, you must select the location (cell) where you want the dynamic table to appear.
  7. We finish by clicking on ‘Accept’.

As you can see, making a pivot table is not that difficult using the computer keyboard. Excel offers many tools that greatly facilitate data processing, improving document presentation by allowing you to insert an Excel spreadsheet into Word when you need to use spreadsheet functions.

What function do pivot table wizards have in Excel?

It is basically a step by step guide on how to create a pivot table in Excel . The wizard asks us questions related to the creation of the table so that we understand more easily how the dynamic table is being formed.

Pivot tables can be created without the need to use the wizard , as we did in the previous section. However, the use of it brings with it a series of advantages that can be taken advantage of.

What are the benefits of using the PivotTable Wizard in Excel files?

If you are not very good at using Microsoft Excel, using the PivotTable Wizard can be a great help. First, it is very easy to use so you can do it without having prior knowledge. In addition, it is a very educational tool that explains how a dynamic table works by asking you in a simple way about the data you need to enter.

Excel’s pivot table wizard is the easiest way to start learning about all the program’s features . In the same way, how to learn to  import and export graphs in Excel with different formats to be able to use the Excel tools in other programs.

How can I create a pivot table using the Excel wizard?

Despite enjoying the advantages mentioned in the previous section, since the 2007 version of Microsoft Office this wizard is not found on the toolbar . So to make use of it, you must first show it on the ribbon, following these steps:

  1. In the Excel document you will click on the ‘File’tab .
  2. There you will have to click on ‘Options’located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. A side panel will appear where we will have to go to the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’section .
  4. Then you will see two columns where the commands available to add will be on one side and those that are already active on the other.
  5. You will have to change ‘Most Used Commands’to ‘All Commands’ in the left column for the wizard to appear.
  6. You’ll find Pivot Chart and Pivot Chart Wizard’ and click ‘Add’ .
  7. Finish adding Excel PivotTable Wizard button by clicking ‘OK’.

In this way you will activate the button on the toolbar to be able to use the Excel pivot table wizard . The next thing will be to create a table using the wizard, being very similar to the procedure to create a pivot table to analyze data from a spreadsheet as indicated by Microsoft support.

You can also follow the steps below that require clicking the newly inserted button, located in the upper left corner of the screen :

  1. The first thing to do will be to select the range of cells where the data of the dynamic table to be created is located. It is important that you have the same type of value in all your cells in addition to not having empty cells.
  2. Then you will click on the ‘Pivot Chart and Pivot Chart Wizard’button .
  3. A pop-up window will appear where you will have to specify where the data to be analyzed comes from and what type of report you want to create. In this case you will select ‘Microsoft Excel list or database’and ‘Pivot table’ . Then you will click on ‘Next’ .
  4. The next thing will be to check the range of cells for the creation of the pivot table by having previously selected it. Otherwise, at this point you should drag the cursor over the cells while holding down the right click. Then you click on ‘Next’.
  5. In the last step you will have to indicate where you want the pivot table to be located by selecting ‘New spreadsheet’or ‘Existing spreadsheet’ and choosing the cell which will be the upper right corner.
  6. Finish the creation of the pivot table by clicking ‘Finish’.

In this way, the Excel pivot table wizard is used so that said tools can be created more easily. As you do not have experience in the use of Excel tools, it is recommended to use the wizard the first few times so that you can later create pivot tables without the need for it.

Microsoft Windows has very useful programs that allow you to carry out office automation tasks easily. In the same way, it is important to delete temporary files from the PC to free up space and thus have a better speed when using Microsoft programs.

I hope that with this information you can make use of the Excel pivot table wizard in addition to having learned how to create a pivot table , until next time!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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