How to use the Mei App to analyze WhatsApp conversations

Surely at some point a situation similar to the following has happened to us We have been chatting with one of them for a long time; We have been meeting and talking for a considerable time and the relationship between the two is going great. This girl really interests us and we think that maybe, for some reason, we can have a nice future with her.

But, despite everything, we are not completely sure if she thinks the same or feels the same for us . So how can we know whether or not to take the step of taking that relationship of friends to another level without ruining everything? If you are one of this kind of person who is too indecisive or you just don’t want to have your heart broken, there are quite interesting solutions.

But before telling you about this, let’s clarify a point. What is the application that you use the most to be able to communicate? Exactly, WhatsApp. It is no surprise to anyone that this messaging application is one of the most used around the world to the point that the vast majority of people we know use this application to be able to chat with their friends, family and acquaintances.

Therefore, it is quite clear that if we are talking to this girl, it is very likely that we are doing it from this application . Having this clear, in this way we want to introduce you to Mei. Next we will tell you what this application is and what it can offer us. Stay with us and find out all the details about this app.

What is the Mei App and how can it help us to find out if a girl is interested in us?

Mei is an application for Android and iOS operating systems which works as a tool to analyze the conversations we have with someone in particular on WhatsApp. This is one of the pioneering apps to add artificial intelligence (AI) to its software . In addition, Mei presents its users with an instant messaging service.

This application was born in the typical situation in which a friend ends up devastated because a girl did not pay attention to him or simply totally cut off their relationship between them. Lee, in this case the boy to whom his friend told everything he was going through had a millionaire idea. What if there was a way to know the direction of this type of situation?

Well, from this thought, the unimaginable arose, the Mei App . This application is responsible for studying in detail all kinds of gestures , changes in writing, common sentences, grammar, voice notes, images and other data and information that we have recorded in our conversations with that girl or boy.

Of course, you must bear in mind that private information is taken which will be supplied to a database to achieve the respective analysis. Therefore, you must be attentive to the instructions that the app gives you at the time you carry out the verification and analysis process of our personal conversations.

How can I use the Mei App to analyze my WhatsApp conversations or chats?

Using this tool specially designed for WhatsApp is very simple. First of all we will have to choose the conversation that we want the Mei App to track and analyze. Once this is done we will supply said data and information to Mei so that she can give a key verdict of whether this girl or boy is really interested or is just a common conversation.

This application will let us know by registering percentages . If 20% is recorded, the chances of having something serious with said person are very low. On the other hand, if we manage to be between 40 or 60% up we may have some kind of opportunity with that person. but if it is more than 70% you can be sure that they are for each other.

To make these registrations you will have to spend the app’s own credits, therefore if you want to know if this person is the love of your life you will have to pay around 9 dollars. 


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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