How to use tabs in Notepad

We thoroughly analyze one of the biggest changes that this application has undergone. We are talking about the tabs in Windows 11 Notepad.

Tabs  in Notepad  are here! It is evident that we are talking about an application integrated into the operating system, simple and that meets a very basic need: open plain text files. However, despite the fact that it is not a development given to innovation, we are pleased that Microsoft has finally decided to implement a feature as useful as this one.

How are they behaving? What should you do to have tabs in Notepad? Keep reading to solve all your doubts. We are going to analyze this new functionality in depth and, later, we will tell you how to get more out of it.

Index of contents

  • Tabs in Notepad: requirements to activate the function
  • How do the tabs work in Notepad?
    • Design
    • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Move tabs between windows
    • Reorganization
    • Contextual menu
    • Default Open Options
  • Tabs in Notepad should be only in principle

Tabs in Notepad: requirements to activate the function

The  arrival of the tabs to Notepad  is part of the package of changes implemented by Microsoft in  Windows 11 Moment 2 . An update that also includes, among other things, native screen recording with the Snipping tool or greater integration of Bing with ChatGPT  in the system.

To get these new features, simply update your system to the latest version available on  Windows Update . Tabs didn’t show up in Notepad for us once we got Windows 11 22H2 build 2261.1344 .

Additionally, it is worth remembering that Notepad now receives updates from the Microsoft Store. Therefore, you must make sure that you have downloaded the latest version from this channel.

Just open the Microsoft Store, tap  Library  , and tap  Get updates . Next, check if Notepad has a new version available. Its name is  Windows Notepad , as shown in the previous screenshot.

How do the tabs work in Notepad?

The operation of the  tabs in Notepad  is very simple. Next, we analyze some of its most outstanding hallmarks.


To begin with, its appearance is similar to the  tabs included in the file explorer . In this sense, the system interface maintains consistency, although the truth is that they are not very similar to other company applications, such as its flagship browser, Edge.

When you hover over the tab, the close button appears. And, while you don’t save the text file, a dot is shown indicating that the changes have not been saved.

Keyboard shortcuts

As for the keyboard shortcuts, something curious happens. Due to the heavy use of web browsers, we have become accustomed to opening new tabs with the  Control + T combination . However, Notepad goes rogue and chooses  Control + N as the shortcut to open a new tab. Most curious of all,  File Explorer does make use of Control + T .

When it comes to closing the tab, in this case we do have a classic combination:  Control + W.

Move tabs between windows

The versatility of the tabs is noticed when we realize that  it is possible to move them between windows .

The method is the usual one: long click on the tab and then drag it to another window. And what happens if you drop it in an area that does not correspond to a Notepad window? In that case, a new window is created.


Another point in favor of this new system is that  the tabs can be rearranged  from left to right and vice versa. We do not find a management system as advanced as that of any browser. This is not the site for tab groups and other similar features. But it is not bad that the user can order the open text files at will.

Contextual menu

In the context menu of each tab, in addition to the typical option to close or open a new tab, there are two very practical commands:

  • Close other tabs. All tabs disappear except the selected one.
  • Close the tabs on the right. Only the tabs to the right of the one you selected are closed.

Default Open Options

Finally, Notepad adds a new setting in its settings area that helps you manage the opening of new files.

It is possible to choose if they should open in a new window or in a new tab.

Tabs in Notepad should be only in principle

We hope you liked this in-depth analysis on the tabs in Notepad. There is no doubt that this is a basic application, and  we do not expect Microsoft to jump into it  to add many new features.

However, the arrival of the tabs makes it clear that  the classic Notepad  must continue to evolve. So far, and additionally, it has acquired a dark mode and a renewed design. But why not have markup options for different languages?

It escapes no one that this application is not only used to open  TXT files , but also HTML, PHP, CSS or JS. And it would be very interesting to be able to make more comfortable editions of that kind of files.

And you, do you think more news should come to this tool? What is your wish list? What do you think of the tabs in Notepad? Leave us your comments below. We read you.