How to upgrade your HUB to your satisfaction

The HUB is the beating heart of your factory in Satisfactory. It is where you will work on your achievements and build important updates that will allow you to do new things in the game. The HUB is the first building you will be able to build and you will need to start upgrading it almost immediately.

To upgrade the HUB, interact with the small console on it, then select the HUB level you want to upgrade. The screen will show the benefits and new equipment you get from the update. In the “Select milestone” tab, click Level 0, then click Hub Upgrade 1.

You need 10 iron sticks to complete this update. To get the iron bars, you will first need iron ore. Head to the iron ore deposit you discovered earlier and extract some iron from it. Now, go to the Crafting Bench on the HUB and turn the iron ore into iron ingots, then the iron ingots into iron bars.

To create an object, click on it in the list shown on the left below, then hold down the create button as it scrolls through the production one object at a time.

Go back to the HUB console and move the Iron Rods from your inventory to the small resource slot shown in the image above. You will then be able to upgrade the HUB to the next level.

Each HUB upgrade will require multiple resources, of different types, and you will normally have to build the items you get from each upgrade to progress to the next level. Also, you can stop moving the HUB without losing access to your updates, which is an important feature to keep in mind if you end up positioning the HUB poorly or if you need to relocate it to a more resource-rich area. forward in the game.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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