How to Uncap Uncap iPhone

How to remove the automatic capitalization iphone. You have an iPhone recently and want to find out how to change all its settings. In particular, you would like to understand how to change the settings related to the keyboard. There are some iPhone preset options that you can change according to your preferences. Within this article we will deal with the issue of capital letters that are set automatically every time we write a text on our mobile device.

You’re not the only one who has noticed that when typing in iOS it automatically changes the word to capital letters. There is an easy way to get rid of this nuisance!

You may have noticed that, whenever you write a message, write in notes, post on a Social Network, the first letter of each sentence you type is capitalized. Do you want to make sure that doesn’t happen? Well you are in the right place. In this mini tutorial we will learn how to auto-capitalize iPhone.

How to Uncap Uncap iPhone

How to remove the automatic capitalization iphone

This can be a problem, because sometimes the grammar rules dictate that you need to stay lowercase for some words or phrases and this will cause something like “you” to become “yours” making it seem like there has been some sort of confusion with who is speaking during the handover instead just lending further emphasis on what was said by whom on behalf of whom.

Performing this operation is very simple. Acting from the general settings of the device you can disable the automatic capitalization on the iPhone.

  • access the iOS system settings
  • tap on the General item
  • reach the keyboard voice
  • reach the item Automatic capitalization
  • moves the relative lever from ON to OFF

Generally, the auto-capitalization option should be turned off after performing these operations. However, it may happen that this is not enough to disable this automatism for some apps. At this point you could solve the problem by acting on the automatic correction option of the individual applications.

We are referring for example to Word for iOS, or to Pages for iOS.

Word for iOS

How to remove the automatic capitalization iphone

  • launch the word for iOS application
  • click on your avatar located at the top left
  • open the main menu of the application
  • go to settings
  • reached the Word settings
  • go to the item   Formatt. autom. during digitaz .
  • move the lever to OFF

Pages for iOS

  • open the application
  • start a document by tapping on the available document
  • create a new one
  • click on the Edit button
  • tap the button (…)
  • reach the settings
  • go to automatic correction
  • move the lever from ON to OFF

Other Keyboard options

While we’re at it, after disabling automatic capitalization on the iPhone, we thought we’d also give you some brief passages from another tutorial. If you have decided to remove the first automatic capital letter, you will have had to access the Keyboard section in the system settings. Within this section we can also observe other options relating to the use of the keyboard. For example, do you want to turn off automatic keyboard correction on iPhone? Here’s what to do:

  • go to settings> general> keyboard
  • achieve automatic correction voice
  • move the lever from ON to OFF

fig. TO

As you can see inside fig. A, there are several options related to the keyboard of iOS devices that can be easily changed by moving the relative levers from ON to OFF.

Obviously it seems obvious to say that every operation is clearly reversible. So if you want to go back to automatic capitalization, or if you want to reset the automatic corrector, all you have to do is move the relative lever from OFF to ON.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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