How to track or find my cell phone if it is turned off?

Losing our cell phone can be one of the biggest inconveniences in the world today, in these devices we keep information of great relevance to our lives. This is why you should learn How to track or find my cell phone if it is off?

Having this problem can be so worrisome that some immediately think of buying another cell phone, but what you may not know is that there are ways to easily recover our phones .

How to track or find my cell phone if it is turned off? – Step by Step Guide

If instead your cell phone is lost at home, you can use the Amazon Alexa voice assistant to find the cell phone . On the other hand, if you really have no idea where it may be, we invite you to read on.

Steps to track my Android cell phone

Have you seen yourself in the inconvenience of not finding your cell phone? Please read the following guide carefully to learn how to track it very easily:

  1. Google knows about this inconvenience and the repercussions it could have, that is why it gives us the possibility of locating our mobile remotely , in the same way it is possible to block it and later delete all the information stored there.
  2. If you want to carry out the above procedure, first go to the following link Google Devicemanager , enter the information of that Gmail account that you have registered on your phone, the location of the device will immediately be displayed.
  3. The application even allows us to turn up the entire call volume so that you can easily locate it, in the event that you have it lost inside your home .
  4. Similarly, you can also access the configuration functions and use the GPS to see the location very precisely on your map.

Finally, also for those circumstances in which your mobile is lost at home, you should consider this guide to find your cell phone even if it is silent and without internet , where we show a few extra methods that you should take into account.

Steps to track my iPhone cell phone

Also with Apple it is possible to search for our iPhone using the “Find my Iphone” function, to follow the process you must go to the following link iCloud official page and provide your data.

  1. Please note that in order to use this feature, your device must already be set up with Find my Iphone first .
  2. Within the page it is possible to deactivate the cell phone data and activate the so-called Lost Mode to block the device.

Other options track or find cell phone if it is off

Much like the previous functions, we have others available that can be very useful. Being more specific if we search within the Google store for the Play Store, we can find useful tools such as , which allows us to find our mobile in relation to the latest Internet searches.

Also, thanks to the so-called “Signal Flare” function, the system will send us a photograph of the person who is using the device at a certain time, this data will be sent directly to your email, in the same way there are other useful applications , which we will discuss below:

  • Find my Device , using this tool it is possible to locate our cell phone in real time, both using the web service or accessing from another device.
  • Cerberus is an interesting application designed for the protection of our mobiles, which works very efficiently. If someone loses or steals your phone, you will receive an alert via text messaging service. This is how someone else has used your cell phone.
  • In the same way, if you want to locate your phone through GPS or Wi-Fi networks, there is no better option than the Prey application , it is an excellent anti-theft tool that will provide you with the security that is so important today.

The most interesting thing about the applications we discussed earlier is that they have free versions . In any case, if you pay for the most comprehensive services, you will get better protection that will always come in handy in the event of losing your device.

Please note the following

As a last tip, we recommend that you always have the GPS function activated. This will help to locate your device more easily in the event of losing it.

If you enable GPS correctly , all the previously mentioned applications will have a better chance of actually finding your cell phone.

Finally, although no one wants to get to this point, if you believe that your cell phone was stolen, the best thing to do is block the stolen cell phone by IMEI . This at least opens up the possibility that the thief cannot use or sell it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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