How to take screenshot on Samsung Galaxy Z Flip?

The vast majority of people when they go to buy a mobile look for the one with the best version of Android . And it is understandable because the more advanced the better ; and one of those options that mobile phones bring is to take screenshots .

With screenshots, as the name says, we make a capture or a photo of what we are seeing on the screen of our phone at that moment. This gives us the option of being able to save as a photo in the gallery , something that we liked and want to see later and also to share it with our friends .

As you can imagine, Samsung manufactures good quality equipment , so it is very common to see that their mobile devices have the option of taking a screenshot. Therefore, in the development of this article, we will explain how you can do this from your Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, and some details of this equipment.

How to take screenshot on Samsung Galaxy Z Flip?

Taking a screenshot is a fairly practical feature, for example when we want to make it to a complete website . This procedure is simple, and here we will quickly explain how you can take a screenshot from your Galaxy Z Flip .

The first thing is to square the image well on the screen that you want to capture , and then press the power and volume key down for about 2 seconds.

Another interesting and simple method to take captures from this phone is using nothing more and nothing less than the palm of your hand, when moving it across the screen . But, to do this, you must first activate that function from the configuration of your Galaxy, and if you do not know how to do it, here we will explain how to activate it.

For this function you must go to the settings of your phone and look for the option “Advanced functions” , there you will see another option called “Movements and gestures” , which you must select. In that option, there will be several advanced functions that you can activate, such as “Swipe to capture”, among other smart functions.

Having activated the “Slide to capture” option, you will be able to enjoy taking captures by sliding only your hand across the screen. This should be done smoothly, not so fast, sliding your hand from right to left or vice versa, as you feel most comfortable.

Can I take video captures with my Samsung Galaxy Z Flip?

This is an option that, theoretically, is not included even in Samsung equipment; however, that is no reason not to do this from your Galaxy. For this reason, what many Samsung users do is look for this service in applications that you can install on your mobile from the application store.

Once you have an application to make these video recordings on your phone, the steps you have to follow are also simple. The first thing you should do is, look at the top bar of your Samsung for the option “Screen Recorder” , which appears with the icon of a VCR.

Once you select this option, just 3 or 5 seconds later, an icon will appear somewhere on the screen where you can choose to start recording. Then, having recorded the video you wanted, you have to go back to the same icon and select the “Stop” option , so you will get your video easily.

Other attractive features of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip

One main function of this new device is somewhat different from most Samsung Galaxy devices; and this is the new one, “Flex Mode” , what is this mode? This new option in the Galaxy Z Flip, allows the possibility of using the device from an angle totally to which we are accustomed.

In this device we can see how the screen is folded or folded in half, thus allowing us to see the screen from a 90 degree angle. And in the same way, this position in which this phone is located allows you to have a base , in which you can see half of the screen without any impediment.

In addition, reflecting the intelligence of this equipment, your operating system detects when you change the position of the phone ; so, you can enable other functions. For example, you may be watching a YouTube video and at the same time, on the screen below, see the YouTube catalog.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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