One of the main goals achieved by the internet in the context of the digital revolution is that of having eliminated the distances between people, allowing interactions between very distant subjects in an increasingly globalized world.
As far as the labor market is concerned, the possibilities offered are tangible already starting from the personnel search and selection phase. The major companies, in fact, rely on sites, social networks and video call services to identify and choose the most suitable profiles for their needs. Among the latter, Skype is certainly the videocall service most used by companies to carry out cognitive and selective interviews .
The Skype platform turns out to be the most convenient solutionboth for the company and for the candidate: it eliminates regional and national barriers , reduces travel , shortens the time needed to identify the figures most suited to your needs and allows you to merge the advantages given by a telephone interview (or through e-mail) with those of the face to face meeting .
As per well-established practice for the most important companies, also in OM Group we carry out the first part of the interviews via Skypecognitive. Over the years, we have therefore realized the difficulties that this new mode of interaction entails: although the public’s confidence with technology has improved, to be at ease in front of a webcam you need practice and a few small tricks.
It is thanks to our experience that we are able to provide useful information to successfully support a job interview in videocall . Let’s see the golden rules to respect to increase your chances of being chosen!


Obviously, even if the interview takes place at a distance, it is good to keep in mind the rules of good manners that are observed for interviews “in person”.
The first and essential rule to follow to give a good impression is to show up on time and not to keep your interlocutor waiting . As in live interviews, punctuality is a highly valued trait that projects a trustworthy, respectful and responsible self-image.
The advice is to connect at least 10 minutes before the established time, so as to be able to peremptorily answer the call. Usually, it is good to wait to be called and don’t put pressure on the interviewer: he may be struggling with another interview that has extended beyond the estimated time limit.


Especially if it’s your first Skype interview, try not to underestimate some details that, on the contrary, could be decisive.
First of all, pay attention to your account: adopt a professional nickname ( name_surname , name.surname , initial of the name and surname in full, etc …); do not use banal slogans or phrases as a personal message; choose a photo that is bright and in which you can see your face clearly .
Second, gather information about the company and the position you applied for, thinking about how your skills might be useful in accomplishing that task.
Finally,organize the workstation you have chosen to take the interview in such a way that you have everything at hand: a hard copy of the documents that have been requested of you (for example, your CV), a notepad and a pen to take notes, a bottle of water and a glass to avoid being left with a dry throat after a few answers (and to delay, in the case of a particularly insidious question). Remember to turn off your phone, close the door and, if necessary, turn off the on-screen notifications of email and social networks: create an environment that favors concentration as much as possible .


It is clear that, in an interview via Skype, appearances greatly influence the choices of those called to examine an application.
To improve the initial impact with your interlocutor , carefully evaluate the environment around you and pay particular attention to the place where you decide to have the interview. Find a background that is as neutral, tidy and clean as possible ( a bookcase, a painting or a print are the ideal background to put behind you); absolutely avoid the kitchen, dark corners or with very “crowded” walls; make sure you are not disturbed by roommates, relatives or various noises; choose a location that allows you to have sufficient lighting; try to aim the webcam in such a way as to assume a correct posture, keeping your gaze level with the screen.
In addition to the location, also dedicate yourself to the look and make sure that your clothing is suitable for the role for which you are interviewing. There is nothing more wrong than being unkempt or, worse still, only half dressed (thinking that there will be no need to get up from the desk anyway): dress as if the meeting were to take place in person , keep your hair in order , take care of your beard, if you are a man, or wear makeup without exaggerating.


Well before starting the video call, you should test your equipment and make sure everything is working as it should. Is the line stable? Is lighting sufficient? Is the audio understandable? Is the video clear? It is incredibly frustrating to lose the connection as soon as the call has started or even at the peak of the interview, when perhaps you are describing your skills or the experiences that you can make available to the company.
Stop downloads and connections that may slow you down, make sure your webcam is working , use a pair of headphones to improve audio and isolate yourself from outside noise, and if possible, call a friend or relative for a test .
You will avoid wasting time, embarrassing questions (like repeating many times “do you see me?”, Or “do you hear me?”) And give you a professional and attentive to details image : a video call that goes smoothly is already a great ticket visit!


Compared to a live interview, one carried out via Skype requires some additional precautions. In this regard, posture, gaze, gestures and tone of voice are likely to be significantly accentuated in videocall and must be kept under control .
Maintain an upright posture, do not gesticulate excessively, avoid fiddling with your hair or with various objects, modulate the tone of your voice and try not to have an overly serious expression: smile every now and then! Let your interlocutor speak and listen to what he asks of you, keep eye contact , do not get distracted by looking at your image and try to look at the room: the webcam is equivalent to the “eyes” of those in front of you, if you stare at the screen you will give the impression of being detached or distracted.
Another important aspect in terms of communication concerns the idea of ​​yourself that you are able to convey in the shortest time possible: introduce yourself quickly, be exhaustive , make it clear what your skills are, articulate the words well and show yourself decisive and convinced of your means .
Finally, always remember to say thank you and say hello , making sure you have closed the call before saying or doing anything that is not related to the interview!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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