How to remove the read receipt on your Skype – Take care of your privacy

Skype is a Microsoft tool that allows us to perform different functions when connecting with other people, through a video call or a chat through it, either by sending personal or corporate documents to the users of this application.

How currently the read confirmation is important, when sending a message, in this way, the person will be able to know if the message arrived, and if the recipient read it. For this reason, Skype took this option into account, which is why they decided to integrate it into their new versions, either from the mobile device or from a computer.

However, for many people these read receipts are not very good, since sometimes they want to hide that person from seeing if they confirmed the reading of the message. So they decide to deactivate this read confirmation, but they don’t know how to do it through this platform.

For this reason, it was that today, we created this little guide to tell you how you can change the Skype read receipt easily and quickly.

Index( )

  1. How do read receipts work in Skype?
    1. Read receipt appearance
    2. Read receipt not displayed
  2. Where can you turn off reading settings in Skype?
  3. What versions have read receipt enabled?

How do read receipts work in Skype?

Skype read receipts are used when you send a group or individual message to a recipient to verify that they have seen it.


More, however, in Skype the read receipts are very different from the read receipts like WhatsApp , since in order to confirm that you read your message, there must be two pimps in blue, but in Skype there is another demonstrate it in a different way, which we are going to mention below:

Read receipt appearance

As we mentioned before, the appearance of the read receipt in Skype is different from the others. Since here it is done through avatars, that is, when the person reads your message, a ball will appear with the profile photo of the recipient or recipients confirming that they read it.

Read receipt not displayed

On many occasions, the read receipt is not displayed in Skype for various reasons, the first is that the person has disabled the read receipt and for this reason cannot see when they saw said message.

The second reason is because the person has put the invisible status option  in their status and for this reason you will not be able to see if this person saw your message until they remove that status.

The third reason would be that the person who is using Skype is on a version that does not support read receipts.

And the fourth reason is that if a person has blocked you from said social network, you will not be able to see the read receipt. For this reason, it is important that to avoid this type of inconvenience, if you use an old version of Skype, you update it and in this way you can access the read receipts.

Where can you turn off reading settings in Skype?

If for some reason you decide to deactivate the Skype read receipt, you must follow the steps that I am going to explain below:

The first step you must do is download the application either on your mobile phone or on your PC, then you must enter your account and you will go to the main page. After you are here, you are going to locate yourself in the upper right part where the three points are located and you are going to click on configuration.

Later, when you are here in the options that appear on the screen, you must locate the message option , followed by this, you will notice that the first option that appears is reading confirmation, so you must press, and leave it gray in this way you will have deactivated the read receipt.

Later, when you do all this, it is recommended that you log out to prevent other people from entering your account, however, it is also important that you disable the automatic launch of Skype on your PC , this way, you will not appear logged in when you are not you are inside it.

What versions have read receipt enabled?

The versions of Skype where read receipts are enabled are Android from 6.0 onwards, iPhone, iPad and the web version are also available.

So if you have versions other than those mentioned; It is essential that you change your phone to more recent versions of Android or iPhone or, failing that, update said application. However, if you do not want to make any updates, and change your phone, you have the option of deleting the Skype account , and in this way you will not have to do any of the cases that have been described above.

With this we end our article and I hope you liked that you have learned together with us, how you can deactivate the reading confirmation in Skype.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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