How to solve or assemble the Rubik’s cube in a few movements? – Quick solution

Learn how to solve or assemble the Rubik’s Cube in just a few movements using expert tips and step-by-step instructions. Become a Rubik’s Cube-solving maestro with our guide!

How to Solve or Assemble the Rubik’s Cube in a Few Movements?

Solving a Rubik’s Cube in just a few moves is quite challenging, especially for beginners. However, I can provide a simplified guide in a tabular format that outlines some of the key steps and moves involved in a basic solution method. Keep in mind that this will not be an exhaustive guide, but it should give you a starting point.

Rubik’s Cube Solution Guide (Simplified)

Step Goal Notation Moves
1 Solve the White Cross F (Front), U (Up), R (Right) U, R, U’, R’, F’, U’, F
2 Solve the White Corners L (Left), D (Down) U’, L’, U, L, U, F, U’, F’
3 Solve Middle Layer Edges U, R, U’, R’, U’, F’, U, F
4 Solve Yellow Cross F, U, R, U’, R’, F’
5 Solve Yellow Edges R, U, R’, U, R, U2, R’
6 Position Yellow Corners U, R, U’, L’, U, R’, U’, L
7 Orient Yellow Corners R’, D’, R, D


  • F: Front face clockwise
  • F’: Front face counterclockwise
  • U: Up face clockwise
  • U’: Up face counterclockwise
  • R: Right face clockwise
  • R’: Right face counterclockwise
  • L: Left face clockwise
  • L’: Left face counterclockwise
  • D: Down face clockwise
  • D’: Down face counterclockwise
  • U2: Up face 180 degrees


  • Notation: Each letter corresponds to a face of the cube (F, U, R, L, D) and the direction to turn it. A single letter (e.g., U) means turn that face 90 degrees clockwise. A letter with an apostrophe (e.g., U’) means turn that face 90 degrees counterclockwise.
  • Practice: The key to solving the Rubik’s Cube is practice. Each step may require some adjustments based on the cube’s current state.
  • Patience: It can take time to become familiar with the movements and how they affect the cube.

This guide is quite basic and assumes some familiarity with the Rubik’s Cube. There are more advanced methods that can solve the cube in fewer moves, but they require a deeper understanding of the cube’s mechanics and more complex algorithms.

Solving or assembling the Rubik’s Cube may seem like an insurmountable challenge, but with patience and practice, anyone can master it. By following our step-by-step guide and implementing expert tips, you will become a Rubik’s Cube-solving maestro in no time. Embrace the complexity and thrill of this timeless puzzle and amaze your friends with your newfound expertise. So, go ahead, grab your Rubik’s Cube, and let the solving journey begin


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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