How to share reminder lists on our iPhone or iPad

The Reminders app on our iPhone, iPad or Mac offers us many more functions than we might think. It allows us to remember errands to do, lists of books we want to read , shopping items, or simply to write down pending tasks. And, in addition, it allows us to share the lists with other people .

When we talk about shared reminders we are always talking about lists of reminders, never individual reminders . By sharing a list, the person or people with whom we share it will be able to see and edit its content: reminders.

How to share reminder lists on our iPhone or iPad

  • We open the Remindersapp .
  • On our iPhone, if we are within a specific list, we touch Listsin the upper left to return to the view of all lists.
  • We enter the list that we want to share.
  • We touch the button in the form of three points in the upper right part.
  • Click Share list.
  • We choose with which app we want to send the invitation.
  • We enter the name of the person or persons and choose them from our contacts, or we enter a phone number or email.
  • We send.

How to share reminder lists on our Mac

  • We open the Remindersapp .
  • In the View menu we choose Show Sidebar(if it appears).
  • We right-click on the list we want to share and choose Share list.
  • We choose which app we want to send the invitation with and click Share.
  • We enter the name of the person or persons and choose them from our contacts, or we enter a phone number or email.
  • We send.

Now the other person will receive an invitation to accept our shared list. The notification will take you to the Reminders app where you can accept or decline the invitation . Once the invitation is accepted we will receive a notification: “[Someone] has joined your shared reminder list”.

From this point on, any reminders that are added, completed, edited or deleted in the shared list will be synced for everyone who shares the list (and on all their devices).

The name of the list and its color, however, is individual for each person invited, so that each one can choose the name or color according to our preferences without the changes being reflected for others.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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