How To Share Google Scholar Profile Link

Sharing your Google Scholar profile link can be crucial if you’re in academia or a related field, as it offers a consolidated view of your academic contributions and citations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to share your Google Scholar profile link on your blog or any other platform:

How To Share Google Scholar Profile Link

1. Access Your Google Scholar Profile:

  • Begin by going to the Google Scholar homepage:
  • Click on “My profile” located on the top left corner.
  • If you’re not already signed in, you’ll be prompted to do so. Log in with your Google account.

2. Locate Your Profile Link:

  • Once you’re in your profile, look at the web browser’s address bar. This URL is the direct link to your Google Scholar profile.
  • It should look something like this: where XXXXXXX is a unique combination of characters and numbers representing your profile.

3. Copy Your Profile Link:

  • Highlight the entire URL in your browser’s address bar.
  • Right-click and select ‘Copy’ or simply press Ctrl + C (Windows/Linux) or Command + C (Mac).

4. Insert Link into Your Blog:

  • Navigate to the section of your blog where you want to add the link. This could be a specific blog post, an “About Me” section, a sidebar widget, or any other place you see fit.If you’re using a platform like WordPress:
    • Go to the post or page editor.
    • Highlight the text where you want the link to appear (e.g., “Check out my Google Scholar Profile”).
    • Click on the ‘Insert Link’ icon (it usually looks like a chain link).
    • Paste your copied URL into the field provided.
    • Click ‘Add Link’ or the equivalent button to insert.

    If you’re using a different platform: The exact steps might vary slightly, but the concept will be similar. Look for an option to insert or add hyperlinks.

5. Test the Link:

  • Once you’ve inserted the link, preview or view the live page on your blog.
  • Click on the link to ensure it directs visitors correctly to your Google Scholar profile.

6. Share Widely:

  • Beyond your blog, consider sharing your Google Scholar profile link on other platforms like LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Twitter, or in your email signature to maximize visibility.


  • Make sure your Google Scholar profile is public so that anyone clicking on the link can view your contributions without restrictions.
  • Periodically check the link to ensure it’s still active, especially if you notice any changes to your Google Scholar account or the platform itself.
  • Keep your Google Scholar profile updated. As you publish more work or receive additional citations, your profile will dynamically update, making it a great resource for showcasing your academic achievements.

By sharing your Google Scholar profile link on your blog and other platforms, you provide an easy way for colleagues, students, and other interested parties to view and engage with your academic contributions.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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