How to Find Your Google Scholar ID: A Simple Guide

Google Scholar is a freely accessible search engine that indexes scholarly articles from various disciplines. For academics, researchers, and scholars, it’s essential to have a Google Scholar profile to increase visibility and track citations of their work. Each Google Scholar profile has a unique ID known as the Google Scholar ID. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find your Google Scholar ID:

How to Find Your Google Scholar ID

1. Navigate to Google Scholar

First and foremost, visit Google Scholar.

2. Sign in to Your Account

If you’re not already logged in, click on the “Sign in” button located in the top right corner and log in using your Google account.

3. Access Your Profile

Once you’re logged in, click on “My profile” at the top of the page. If you haven’t created a profile yet, you’ll be prompted to do so.

4. Locate Your Google Scholar ID

On your profile page, look at the URL in the address bar. It should be something like this:

The sequence after ?user= and before &hl=en is your Google Scholar ID. In this example, the ID is XYZ1234.

5. Copy Your ID

Highlight your ID in the address bar and copy it. You can now share this ID or use it as required.

Why is the Google Scholar ID Important?

The Google Scholar ID uniquely identifies your Google Scholar profile, ensuring that anyone accessing your profile using this ID will be viewing your specific academic contributions, and not someone else’s. This is especially useful if you share your name with other researchers.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Customize Your URL: While Google Scholar provides an alphanumeric ID by default, you can also create a custom URL for your profile. This can be useful if you want to share a more memorable link.
  • Maintain Your Profile: Regularly update your Google Scholar profile to ensure that all your recent publications are included and that incorrect ones are removed. This ensures that your citation count is accurate.
  • Add Keywords: Ensure that you add relevant keywords to your profile. This makes it easier for others to find you when searching for experts in particular fields.


Your Google Scholar ID is a unique identifier that connects the world to your academic contributions. By understanding how to locate this ID, you ensure that your work gets the recognition it deserves. Happy researching!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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