How to send a WhatsApp to someone you don’t know (or yourself)

Although WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging application in much of the world, the truth is that it continues to evolve and we have already become accustomed to receiving certain functions and news several times a year. However, there are still certain features that many users miss on a daily basis. One of them is to be able to send a message to a phone number that we do not have saved in our contacts. Next, we will show how to send a WhatsApp to someone you do not know or even to yourself without third-party apps.

It is quite common to see how we are added to a WhatsApp group in which there are other people that we do not have saved in our mobile phonebook and at any given moment we want to send a private message to one of them. At that time, what we have to do is copy his phone number, add it to our mobile contact list and later, search for him on WhatsApp to be able to send him a message.

The same happens if someone leaves us a loss on the mobile so that we know their phone number, since if we do not previously save it in the agenda, we will not be able to send them a WhatsApp message . Well, the fact that the famous messaging application does not allow it natively does not mean that we cannot send a WhatsApp to someone you do not know or do not have saved in your agenda.

The truth is that there are some tools that allow us to send a WhatsApp to someone who is not in your contact list , however, for this we will have to use the web version of the messaging app and have an extension installed in your browser , as you can see in the previous link.

WhatsApp trick to send a message to someone you don’t know, don’t have on your agenda or yourself

Taking into account that almost everyone uses WhatsApp most of the time from their mobile, it is something that is not going to be too comfortable, since we will have to be in front of the computer to be able to do it. Therefore, we are going to show a trick to be able to send a WhatsApp to someone you do not know, someone you do not have saved in your agenda or even to yourself.

To send a message to any phone number that we do not have saved in our contacts, we are going to have to ask a small favor from someone we trust and that we have on our mobile phone book. So, we enter WhatsApp, we go to that person’s chat and we send the following message , where +34 is the Spanish prefix, we can change it to another if that person uses a foreign number and XXXXXXXXX should be replaced by the phone number of the person we want to contact through WhatsApp.

Once that message has been sent to our trusted person, the only thing left to do is touch on it , since it will be shown as a link. We will automatically see how a new chat window opens with that person even if we do not have it saved in the phone’s agenda.

To send a WhatsApp message to ourselves , all we have to do is repeat the same steps and indicate our phone number. This will open a chat with ourselves where we can send each other messages as reminders, etc.

If we do not want to depend on anyone every time we want to send a WhatsApp to someone we do not have on the agenda, then the best thing is that we open a chat with ourselves and from there, we can do it without having to send that link to anyone .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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