How to Search Saved Photos on my Windows 10 PC?

If you use the computer to store documents, such as photos, then you should read the guide that we have prepared in which we will talk about How to easily find all the photos saved on my Windows 10 PC ?

Locating all the images present on our Windows 10 computer is a simple process. In any case, it is necessary to know the search procedure. In order to locate all images effectively, we recommend that you read the following information .


  1. Photos saved on the computer
  2. How to easily find all the photos saved on my Windows 10 PC?
    1. Recommendations for searching images in Windows 10

Photos saved on the computer

With the passage of time, photographs accumulate on our computer and on many occasions we are not sure where they are located. To avoid this, the best thing to do would be to create albums with the photos application. In any case, if you have the problem, please note that you can search all images. The process can be done very easily on computers with the Windows 10 operating system .

If you want to search for all the photographs on your computer , then read the following information where we will talk about it and thus find the images you are looking for.

How to easily find all the photos saved on my Windows 10 PC?

Searching for all the images on your computer can be very convenient in many circumstances. The truth is that the search for photos in Windows 10 is quite simple, just follow the instructions below:

  1. The first thing you should do is go to the Windows 10 file explorer. You can access it very easily by pressing start and going to ” Team “.
  2. Once you are in the ” Team” section , you will notice that in the upper right part of the screen is the search section .
  3. To search for all the images you have saved on your computer, all you have to do is type the following ” Type:image“.
  4. The process of searching all the images on the computer may take a few minutes. However, it could take a long time, considering that the computer will analyze all the files that are on your computer, so it could spread.

Indeed, searching for images is long if you have a large capacity hard drive and even more so if you have multiple hard drives or storage units on your computer . It is for this reason that it would be good to have certain considerations when using this function.

Recommendations for searching images in Windows 10

As we noted earlier, the process of searching for all the images on your computer could take a long time if you have a lot of images or a large hard drive. Given this, there are certain measures that you can take into account to find those images you are looking for.

  • Without a doubt, the first recommendation we want to give you is that instead of searching your entire computer, limit yourself to searching specific folders. For example, you could search directly in the ” Pictures” folder using the method we mentioned above.
  • Similarly, you can extend your search to other places, such as the desktop or any other folder on your computer. In turn, if you want to search according to a specific format, you can also search as follows ” .jpg” or any other format, in this way the images with a specific format will appear on the screen.
  • Finally, if after finding all the photos you are not satisfied, consider changing the image viewer. To do this, you can see our list with the best image viewers for Windows, which also usually have very interesting organization options.

In conclusion,  finding photos saved on my Windows 10 PC is very easy and fast


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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