How to save space on my hard drive by reducing images

You can save some space on your hard drive just by compressing the size of the images . This allows your computer to run faster at times and more storage space.

How to save space on my hard drive by reducing images.Changing the language of the spell checker in Microsoft Word can be done through a few simple steps.

Below is a tabular guide to help you navigate through the process:

Step Action
1 Open Microsoft Word: Launch the Word application and open the document you want to work on.
2 Select the Text: Click and drag to highlight the text you want to check, or press Ctrl + A to select all the text in the document.
3 Review Tab: Click on the ‘Review’ tab in the top menu.
4 Language: In the ‘Review’ tab, look for the ‘Language’ group. Click on the ‘Language’ button.
5 Set Proofing Language: From the drop-down menu, select ‘Set Proofing Language…’.
6 Choose Your Language: A new window will pop up. Scroll through the list and select the desired language for the spell checker.
7 Set as Default (Optional): If you want to make this language your default for all future documents, click the ‘Set as Default’ button.
8 OK: Click ‘OK’ to apply the changes.

Note: The availability of specific languages may depend on the version of Word and the language packs installed on your computer. If the desired language is not listed, you may need to download and install an additional language pack from Microsoft.

There are multiple applications and alternatives to compress images and reduce their size. You can use web tools or applications on your mobile phone to save the photos on your phone.

Compress JPEG

A very easy to use web tool, you only have to access the main page from your computer and place the images you want to reduce. You can select a maximum of 20 files to the web and once the process is finished you have a .zip file that you will have to download.

I love img

A very popular tool among users since you can upload files from Dropbox or Google Drive . Select the images and drag them to the working area of ​​the page to obtain the results. It is used to compress JPG or JPEG images.


Like the two previous tools, Optimizilla is an online image optimizer. The advantage it offers is that it allows you to compress images in JPEG and PNG formats . You can upload up to a total of 20 images and you can custom adjust the final quality.

Tiny PNG

It is one of the favorites since it allows you to compress images in PNG and JPEG formats with optimal quality. Tiny PNG allows you to compress up to 20 files and remove up to 5MB in the optimization process.


This application is not only a chat tool, but many have chosen to use it as a cloud application . You can create a group or channel to upload your images and in the process the application will show you a message so that you can choose to upload it as a photo (the optimized image) or a file .

Compress a hard drive in Windows

If what you need is to get more space on your hard drive, one option is to compress all the files automatically . By doing this, the file sizes are reduced and you can save up to 20% of space. You would have more space on your hard drive, but this could affect your PC’s performance.

Enable automatic compression in Windows

  • Access My Computer or This computer and choose the hard drive you want to compress
  • Right click on the hard drive and select the Properties option
  • From the General tab, enable the Compress this drive option to save disk space
  • Click Apply and then OK to save the changes

Keep in mind that by enabling hard drive compression, your computer’s processor will have more work to access a compressed file. So this procedure is not recommended if your PC has a slow processor .

Compress a file in macOS

When using macOS we have the advantage of compressing specific files . This optimally applied procedure can save up to 30% disk space.

It is not necessary to download a third-party application to perform this operation, as it has a native application called Compression Utility . It does not have a user interface, but it is a fairly simple procedure.

  • Select the files or folder you want to compress
  • Right click on it and in the pop-up menu select the Compress file option
  • At the end, a new ZIP file appears with the compressed files
  • To access the files again it is only necessary to double click on it.

If you want something more advanced, you can download an application from the Mac App Store . Some allow you to choose the type of compression and offer greater compatibility with different files.

One of the most popular are The Unarchiver for being free and Keka which has a great reputation due to the length of time it has on MacOS.

In conclusion, reducing image file sizes is a simple yet effective way to save space on your hard drive. By employing techniques such as compressing, resizing, and choosing the right image format, you can significantly reduce the storage space occupied by your images. Additionally, implementing efficient image management strategies can help further optimize space utilization. So, why wait? Start decluttering your hard drive today and enjoy the benefits of a more spacious and organized storage system.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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