Where to find diamonds in Minecraft? How to get a lot of diamonds

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Diamonds: We all know them and we all love them. With Diamonds you can create very resistant armor, picks that manage to break Obsidian and Netherite, and swords that cause a lot of damage to anyone. Therefore, today we show you where to find diamonds in Minecraft ? and How to get lots of diamonds.

Where to Find Diamonds in Minecraft? How To Get Many Diamonds


Meet diamonds

To catch a fish, you must first know where it lives and what it eats, in order to choose the correct location and bait. Similarly, before mining diamonds you should know where they are and what things you should take into account. There are only two ways to get diamonds (Without cheating): Mining , and finding them in chests .

Finding diamonds in chests is very difficult, as the odds are very low. The only chests in which you have a high chance of finding Diamonds are in buried treasures (53%), Cities of the End (21%) and Nether Fortresses (19%).

So in this tutorial we focus on mining. Diamonds are mined from a block called “Diamond Ore” . These are generated randomly in groups of 1 to 10, every 16 blocks, between layers 1-15.

To understand this, you must understand the concepts of Height and Chunks ; We recommend that you review the encyclopedia that you talk about Minecraft to learn about these topics. If you are new to the game, what you should know is that diamonds are only spawned in the 15 deepest blocks in the game.

minecraft diamonds

Prepare to mine

There are several ways to mine diamonds, but they are all dangerous for one or more reasons. Therefore, you will need armor , preferably iron, and a sword. Diamonds can only be minced with an iron pick . So make sure you have several so that if one breaks, you can still return with your diamonds.

Each ore drops a single diamond, but you can increase that number with the “Fortuna” enchantment, for this you need to make an enchantment table . If you get a pickaxe in a chest with this enchantment, save it for diamonds.

If you want to know more about enchanted books in Minecraft, then we recommend that you click here .

You are going to spend a lot of time underground before you get diamonds. In fact, during mining you will find gold and other materials that will also be useful. That is why we recommend that you bring  enough food . You can also bring milk, as it serves as an antidote to the poison of cave spiders. You can bring wood to make more spikes and a bucket of water to avoid being burned in lava, if you find it.

Types of mining

There are several ways to mine to get diamonds. They all have pros and cons. We cannot tell you in detail about each one, but we describe them so that you can develop your own mining style.


Spelunking, Speleology, or exploring caves , is the most obvious way to get minerals. It involves finding a very deep cave and navigating it to the bottom, where the diamonds are found.

It’s the easiest way to find diamonds, but since you only see the cave walls, you won’t find many this way. However, it is a very fun way to mine.

Tip: Put the torches on only one side of the cave, so you will know where you came from and you will not get lost. We also recommend that you learn to use your secondary hand to carry torches and quickly place them on the wall.


cave minerals

The fastest way to find diamonds is to create your own tunnels. Use your pick to create a ladder until you’ve reached the last 15 blocks.

Keep in mind that below block 11 there are oceans of lava, so it is advisable to stay between block 11 and 16. There are many ways to mine with tunnels. In this article we recommend only one. This is a very effective way to get diamonds.

It involves reaching block 11 and starting to dig a tunnel 2 high by 1 wide. Dig this tunnel for a bit. When you feel that it is quite long, go back to the beginning of the tunnel and start digging tunnels in the walls. The tunnels in the walls can be as long as you want, and between one and the other, the ideal distance is 2 or 3 blocks, although it can be more if you wish.

Other forms

Over the years, players have developed a lot of methods, which we could never cover in this article, which only talks about our personal experience.

We recommend that you look up and read the encyclopedia we mentioned to learn about the many ways to find diamonds.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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