How to run a SQL Query in Access?

A SQL Query in Access can be quite simple, the process can be done in a matter of a few minutes and with simple steps. Remember that there are three query methods, the one of union, transfer and definition of data , whichever you want, you can do them with the same tutorial.

And in case you want to create queries and forms , or create a drop-down menu in Microsoft Access , you should look for another tutorial (it is recommended that you do it so that you can handle this program well and not get entangled between buttons and queries).

What should you do to achieve a SQL Query in Access?

You must first have Microsoft Access installed on your computer, if not, you will have to do them through the Microsoft store . To start the consultation process, press the start button and type ” Access “. The program will appear and you must double click to start it.

Once Microsoft Access has started, open the database in which you want to make the SQL query, you will need to be able to edit it. Open the database, click on “All Access objects” , making a list of the objects available in the database appear.

Next, you must select ” Queries ” to be able to see the list of existing ones. Now you will need to select the query you want to do. You can view the data in a ” Design View” or a “SQL View” so that you can see the code or the final view of the programming.

Whatever editing you need to do, you can do it in either of the two views that are available, but remember to save them before changing views. Now, to make your queries, you must select from the panel the one you want to do and in which view you want to do it, press ” Execute “, represented by a ” ” Red.


As soon as the query has finished, a report will be made, which you should know that it will be a read-only file, any correction must be done manually.

Why is it necessary to make a consultation?

Queries in SQL are necessary to review the databases, especially to confirm that they are up-to-date or that there are no errors in them. In this way, manual searches that could take a lot of time are avoided. SQL is a system that offers a wide variety of facilities.

By handling algebra, this considered programming language, you can give results in seconds on queries that you program and perform with a few clicks. Additionally, the main queries made through Microsoft Access can allow editing, deleting or adding data to a database without having to complicate the task. Everything within this system can work perfectly, additionally, it allows you to specify every detail to make searches much faster and more efficient.

How can a SQL Query be defined in Access?

An Access query can be thought of as a kind of scavenger hunt. C ada specified detail will be a track and the treasure will be getting closer.

When used with SQL, data of any type can be found, equations, names, phone numbers, emails, whatever is inside the database. This Microsoft software can be an excellent ally to find, edit or re-establish databases created with any programming system.


Having highlighted the most important data and explained the importance of performing an SQL Query in Access, we can say that all is said. As last recommendations, take into account that the vast majority of data thrown by an Access query will be in a table that will not be executable.

This translates into the need to make any changes manually and through another edit query command. Remember that it is never too late for family members with new technologies that will allow them to facilitate their work and achieve new efficiency. Therefore, you should learn to make more specific and efficient queries (such as a query between dates and by ranges ).


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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