How to Reset Kodi

Entertainment is essential in the life of any person, and millions of them prefer to do it from home. One of the best ways to entertain yourself in the comfort of your home is by watching your favorite TV shows. Whether you like to watch movies, series or any other program , the internet offers a wide variety of content of this type.

Now we explain how to watch the content that is offered on the internet for free on TV , to enjoy that there is a software designed totally free, which offers you to watch the multimedia content of the internet.

This is Kodi, with this open source software you can watch and download series, movies, or any other program, the best thing is that it is compatible with any type of device , and many operating systems such as Android and Windows. Not only is it compatible with many devices such as Android Smart Tv, but it is also easily downloaded and installed .

Once downloaded and installed on your Smart TV, you can configure your Smartphone to function as a remote control.  Without a doubt, there are many advantages that Kodi offers to guarantee long hours of entertainment from home with television. Perhaps one of the few disadvantages that they have is that they still do not include the option to reset the system . But luckily there are other means that can be used to factory reset your Kodi.

Add-ons to reset Kodi to its initial state

You may need to reset your Kodi to its factory version after a certain time , but it does not have that option. So regardless of the reason why you should reset your Kodi, to do so you will need to use some add-ons. Let us recommend some of these tools and show you how to use them to reset your Kodi easily and safely.

The first one that we will be talking about is the Ares Wizard Fresh Star , which is one of the most used. This tool gives you the ability to find the necessary external add-ons to get the most out of your Kodi . But it also has an option that allows you to reset your Kodi to the factory version easily. The most important feature of Ares is that it allows you to keep the data you want before doing the reboot.

To use this Ares Wizard tool you must download and install the Ares repository and the Ares Wizard software . Now that you have the Ares repository installed, you have to download the file called before continuing. Once this is done, open Kodi and go to the add-ons option, once there select add-on browser.

Now in the menu select install from Zip, locate the file you downloaded from ares repository and open it. With this action, the Ares repository will be installed on your Kodi , wait for the confirmation of the process.

Once you have finished installing the repository, you must install Ares Wizard, to do so, go to the add-on browser again. But now select install from the repository, the option Ares Project> program add-ons> Ares Wizard> install click on this option will appear. Once Ares Wizard has been downloaded, it should appear available in the add-ons section of the program at the start of your Kodi. Let’s now see how to start the Fresh Star function, from the Ares assistant already installed on your Kodi.

How to use the Fresh Star feature to reset Kodi?

When you open this add-on, locate the more section at the top of the start, clicking it will display other options. Now select where it says delete all data / new start , when doing so a security warning will appear, select accept.

At this point you will see the option to choose which data you want to save, when you do so click on continue. Now the Ares assistant will perform the reset of your Kodi to the factory version , as you wish.

In addition to this Ares Wizard Fresh Star add-on, there are methods that can also be used to reset your Kodi, these can be used to reset Kodi if you are using it on devices, with Windows, Android, Mac or Fire tv stick.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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