How to Remove Siri Suggestions on iPhone Lock Screen

Siri is much more than a virtual assistant with whom we can talk, it is an artificial intelligence that is capable of knowing us very well and suggesting certain things to us. For example, you can suggest requesting a car to attend an appointment that we have on the calendar, or put the iPhone on silence in a meeting. But there are many users who do not want these Siri suggestions on their iPhone lock screen .

Learn to manage Siri suggestions

If you are from this group of users who prefer not to have Siri suggestions , you should know that it is relatively easy to eliminate them forever from the screens of your iPhone. You just have to find the right settings.

The suggestions are activated Siri default for all applications , which means that in certain occasions can be quite annoying. Therefore we are going to explain how to eliminate them completely, or manage them for only certain applications.

Tired of Siri Suggestions? So you can remove them

Siri can suggest applications or actions, such as sending a message, making a call or even turning off a light connected to HomeKit . These suggestions can appear in many places, on the lock screen, when searching in Safari, when writing, when creating an event or sending an email, Siri is in many places.

But if you want to manage them properly, you can activate or deactivate Siri suggestions by following these steps:

  1. On your iPhone or iPad go to Settings.
  2. Now go to Notifications> Siri Suggestions.
  3. You can turn off allSiri suggestion notifications on the lock screen.
  4. Or you can deactivate each app individually.

Remove Siri Suggestions from iPhone Lock Screen

We can also adjust the suggestions of each application from Settings> Siri and search and sliding down we have the applications. From here we can deactivate various settings of the apps related to Siri such as:

  • Learn from this app. Siri learns from this app to send you suggestions.
  • Show tips on the home screen. Suggestions will appear on screens such as Search and Consult.
  • Suggest app.
  • Show in the Search app.
  • Show content in Search.
  • Show suggestions on locked screen. You can remove the suggestions only from the lock screen.

We can edit many functions of Siri suggestions

That’s how easy it is to remove Siri suggestions from the lock screen , the home screen, or determine only the applications that you want to show these types of suggestions. It is advisable to configure it correctly so as not to encounter too many notifications.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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