How to remove or unlink a Gmail email account on Android?

If you have already decided that you are not going to use your mobile anymore, it is time to remove or unlink a Gmail account from your Android. This is done so that the person who is going to use our old mobile cannot have access to any of our information by not allowing access to your Gmail account without giving the password.

But you may not find a way to remove or unlink your Gmail account from your phone, but just close all open sessions of the Gmail account on all devices . That is why here you will find the step by step so that you can do it in a simple and fast way.

How to Remove or Unlink a Gmail Account on Android? – Step by Step

Steps to remove or unlink a Gmail account from your Android

At this point you should know that you can have more than one Gmail account on your Android, but today we will show you how to remove it. The first thing you should do is go to the ” settings ” or ” Settings ” on your phone.

Once there, click on ” Accounts ” then a list will open with all the accounts that you have added on your cell phone, click on ” Google “, then your Gmail account with which your is linked will appear. cell phone.

Next, press on the email address and you will be able to see all the synchronizations that your account makes daily, now you will press on the three points that are in the upper right part of the screen and followed by “Delete Account ”.


You will see a notification box asking if you are sure you want to delete your account, click on ” Accept ” and then your Gmail account will be deleted along with all the information related to it.

In addition, with this same option you can delete any other account that is linked to your mobile, for example your Facebook or Instagram account. This will prevent contacts from being exported or transferred from one Gmail account to another without prior consent.

On the other hand, it is necessary to highlight that you must always have a Gmail account linked to your cell phone, this is the only way you have to enter the Play Store and download the applications you need.

Advantages you have when linking your Gmail account to your Android device

We have already told you how to remove or unlink your Gmail account from your Android device, but we also want you to know the advantages you have by keeping it linked.

In the first place, it is found that by keeping your Gmail account linked on your mobile, you can use all the functions found on your device. As they are, your email service, finding the location of your mobile, logging into some applications, among others.

On the other hand, it is necessary that you have a Gmail email account linked to be able to make your backups. All your information can be stored in Gmail and then you can recover it in case your mobile is damaged or you simply decide to change it for a better one.


That is why, before removing or unlinking your Gmail account from your mobile device , remember to make a backup. If you remove it without first doing this, you may lose a good amount of important information.

Also, without a Gmail account linked to your mobile, the only thing you can do is send and receive text messages or calls. All other functions are designed to work with an email account.

Reasons why you need to remove your Gmail account

There are not a large number of reasons why it is necessary to remove or unlink your Gmail account from your mobile, but it is necessary that you know them.

First of all, a good reason for this is that you are determined to sell your mobile phone. When you have agreed with someone to make the sale, it is necessary that you delete your account and not simply perform a factory format.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to remove or unlink your Gmail account if you are going to give your phone away or it is going to be used by a minor. It is important that you delete your data to prevent any important information from being leaked.

Finally, in case you change your cell phone, it is always recommended that you first delete your Gmail account from the old device. Instead you are going to use both, there will be no problem.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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