How to remove ‘Likes’ from TikTok?

TikTok is considered a social phenomenon, due to the audiovisual content it has . The main reason why the platform has gained a large number of active users is due to the ease of use of its interface. The system it uses to create and consume content is very easily managed globally. Once you start to master this platform, you can benefit in multiple ways. For that reason, you should learn how to remove likes on TikTok.

How to Un-Like Videos on your TikTok? – Method Explained

Index(  )

  1. Where can I see all the videos I like on TikTok?
  2. How to remove the like from a video on TikTok?
    1. What happens if I like a video on TikTok and then remove it?
  3. How to remove all Likes from TikTok?
    1. Ways to Delete All Liked Videos from TikTok
  4. Steps to Clear Likes History on TikTok
  5. How to clear all algorithm from TikTok?

Where can I see all the videos I like on TikTok?

This social network offers multiple options to earn money from TikTok videos . As in the rest of the other most used applications today, it has the option to ‘Like’ a recording on the platform.

To do this, place the file inside the folder of all the ‘likes’ of your account. This function is a very useful option to measure the scope of the content of a profile. In addition, it is very easy to use, since you can Like a video in the following way.

  • First of all you have to log in or enter TikTok through the application. You can download it for free on Google Play or the App Store. That will depend on whether your mobile operating system is iOS or Android.
  • Once you are inside the application’s home feed, select the videos you want to mark with a Like. Locate it from the search bar that appears at the top of the screen.
  • Within the recording, you can see a column with several tabs on the right hand side. To like the video, you must click on the heart-shaped icon, and when you do, it will turn red.

On the other hand, it is also important to mention that you have available the option to enter the comments section of a video. There you can mark a message as ‘Like’ and click on the heart icon that appears next to it.

In the same way, you can do with all the videos that have a song. Tap on the circular icon that appears last in the left-hand column, and in the next window, click on ‘Add to favorites’.

How to remove the like from a video on TikTok?

Once you’ve Liked a TikTok video, it will automatically be added to your account’s history of all favorites. So you can view it in the future or share it on other social networks. The process to locate the ‘Like’ folder in an app account is quite simple.

However, it is normal that after a while certain recordings are no longer to your liking. Therefore, you need to know how to remove TikTok likes from your profile. The platform is even told that it can delete that type of information.

To delete all the Likes of the videos, touch the heart, it will change from red to white . You can also press and hold the recording and select the ‘I’m not interested’ option. The process to remove a ‘Like’ from TikTok consists of performing the following steps:

  • Enter the TikTok application by pressing the icon on the Android or iOS home screen. Then, log in to your personal account with the access data.
  • Once you are inside the platform, enter the Profile section and click on the heart-shaped iconthat is located on the dashboard, in order to open the ‘Like’ folder.
  • Then, tap on the tab for all Likes and the icon will change color, indicating that you managed to remove it.

Within this section you can also customize the privacy of the folder with all the ‘likes’. You do this by checking the ‘Who can see videos I liked’ tab. In the list of options select ‘Visible to me’. Thus, other users will not have access to all the Likes of your profile. You can do this from a mobile phone device.

What happens if I like a video on TikTok and then remove it?

Removing ‘Likes’ from TikTok is a process that brings multiple benefits. One of them is that you can start from scratch in your favorites folder, with the aim of adapting it to your current tastes and preferences. With it you can eliminate and optimize the use of the application to have a better experience within the platform, thanks to the TikTok algorithm.

Next, we will point out the main changes that occur in your account after removing the ‘Likes’ from TikTok, so you can determine if it is worth doing this process.

Removing a ‘like’ from TikTok does not have any negative impact on your profile , it just removes some numbers from the author’s statistics. Therefore, if you no longer want to have a recording in your history, you can delete that media file and remove that information from your account.

The only noticeable change will be that the red heart you gave the video can be removed. In other cases, depending on your preference, the application’s algorithm will have registered that you are no longer interested in having access to that audiovisual production.

How to remove all Likes from TikTok?

The more videos added to the ‘Like’ folder, the slower the TikTok app will work. Due to the  large number of content stored in your personal account, you will experience usage problems.

By removing TikTok likes and completely emptying the folder, you can increase the speed of the app. This way it will be able to work more smoothly on your Android or iOS.

The best thing to do on this platform is to remove one video at a time from the folder. Even if it takes some time, if you use a mobile device, you can take advantage of deleting the recordings in your spare time.

Ways to Delete All Liked Videos from TikTok

In case you have ‘Like’ a video by mistake, TikTok has the option to remove such content from your favorites history. To carry out this process, you just have to download and use TikTok on a PC or mobile and log in to your personal account. Once you are inside the platform, follow the following instructions to the letter.

  • Open the Profile section and then go to the All Likes folder byclicking on the heart-shaped icon that appears on the dashboard, just below your username.
  • Next, you will have available the thumbnail of all the videos that you have marked with a Like, locate the recording that you want to delete from the folder and click on it to open it.
  • Within the video, click on the ‘Share’ iconlocated in the left hand column of the screen.
  • In this way, a drop-down menu of options will open, in which you must click on ‘Stop saving in favorites’to delete the file from your folder.

In a way, deleting TikTok likes has the same effect as clearing app cache and data from your mobile device. So it is advisable to do this process periodically in order to fully enjoy the platform. If after performing this procedure, the social network is still slow when playing videos or uploading content, you should consult the TikTok Help Center to report the problem.

Steps to Clear Likes History on TikTok

It is unfortunate that TikTok, whether in its web or mobile version, does not have a built-in option to automatically delete the history of all Likes. Therefore, you should delete the videos from the ‘Like’ folder individually .

Keep in mind that if the list of recordings in the ‘Like’ section is long, this process can take a long time. For that reason, we recommend you swipe videos from the folder the same way you consume content within the platform’s home feed. So that you can save time and streamline the process of removing TikTok likes.

How to clear all algorithm from TikTok?

When the history of the Like folder is deleted, you will be able to completely rearrange the content you want to add to it . As you use the TikTok app, your taste in posts may change.

Therefore, by emptying the folder completely, you will be able to customize it again, to add other content. Other than that, once you are able to remove TikTok likes, you will be able to reset the app’s algorithm .

The platform uses the information you have stored in the favorites folder. This allows you to make personalized suggestions on your profile. So in this way, only the generic information or trends of the moment will appear in the TikTok recommendations.

As you add new content, the algorithm can work for you. You will be able to ‘Like’ the videos that catch your attention and delete the ones you no longer want to have in your account.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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