How to delete a video from your TikTok likes

The diversity of applications that we can find to share content with our friends and followers can be very wide. But there is one that, thanks to its videos, is permeating the taste and preference of millions of users in the world and it is none other than TikTok. However, did you know that you can delete a video from your ‘likes’ from your mobile .

One of the options that this social network allows us is that if we liked a video, we can put it in our biography . And then easily locate them when we enter our profile and click on the heart icon . This as long as we have configured the privacy options of TikTok of the opposites, the heart icon will appear with a diagonal line.

But just as you can add videos that interest you to the ‘Like’ list, you can also remove videos from this list. However, as we know that there are still many functions that you do not know how to configure in TikTok, how to set comments, delete messages and more. In the following article we are going to show you the steps to follow so that you can remove the videos from your ‘Like’ list.

Index(  )

  1. How can you like a TikTok video?
  2. Where can you see what videos you like on TikTok?
  3. What is the way in which videos are removed from your ‘likes’ on TikTok?
  4. What can you do to erase all the ‘Like’ history on your TikTok account?
  5. How will your TikTok account look after deleting all the likes?
    1. No history or algorithm
    2. A faster app

How can you like a TikTok video?

TikTok is a social network that at first glance can be a bit confusing, but in a very short time you can get used to its interface and use it as an expert. To ‘Like’ a TikTok video, you will have two options . The first of them consists of entering the App from your mobile or website and then you must look for the video that you really liked.

Once you locate it, you must go to the right side of the video where you find a heart-shaped icon and now simply click on it. In this way, you have added the video to your ‘Like’ list . The next method you have is to go to the video and in a free space of icons you are going to double Tag and in this way it will be marked in the ‘I like you’ list.

Where can you see what videos you like on TikTok?

Once you have selected a video with a ‘Like’ , they will go to a list that will be located on your profile. To have access to them you must do the following. First, go to TikTok and log into your account . Then, you must access your profile and for this you must click on the ‘I’ icon.

Once you are in your profile, now you just have to search and click on the heart icon, since that is where the videos that you have marked with ‘Like’ are saved. Now you will have a list of all of them and just click on the video you want to see again.

What is the way in which videos are removed from your ‘likes’ on TikTok?

Now, it is likely that some of the videos that you have marked with a ‘Like’ you no longer want to have it on that list. And therefore, you want to eliminate it, because this action is possible and to carry it out you must do the following. Enter the list where the videos you like are located and go to the video you want to delete.

On its right side is the heart icon and then you must click on it, this action will allow the heart to change color, from red to gray. Indicating that you have effectively removed the video from your ‘Like’ list.

What can you do to erase all the ‘Like’ history on your TikTok account?

It may seem very cumbersome to want to remove videos one by one from your “Like” list. And even more so if what you want to do is delete all the history of “Like” , but it turns out that there is still no way to perform this operation in one go. And for now, you will have to keep using the only method out there to remove the likes one by one.

How will your TikTok account look after deleting all the likes?

TikTok is a platform that can take up a lot of memory space, both on your smartphone and on your PC. Therefore, if you delete videos that you have added to your ‘Like’ list , it can represent a very beneficial fact for the platform. So if you have deleted the likes from your TikTok profile, you will get the following advantages.

No history or algorithm

You may have hosted many videos and for a long time on this list and now by deleting videos, you have cleared your history . And now you can have faster access to videos that you want to share with your friends and that before you could spend hours searching for them.

A faster app

As we already mentioned, videos can take up a lot of memory space , and more if we have many added to the list of ‘Like’. You can congest the App in such a way that it appears slow and heavy.

Therefore, doing this cleaning will represent a very big benefit, since the platform will work faster. And this without the need to clean the cache or data to free up internal storage space.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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