How to register the two IMEI of my cell phone

Smartphones with two SIM, or dual SIM, have become one of the favorites of most of the public. Taking into account that, thanks to this advance in mobile telephony, it is possible to have up to two telephone numbers on the same device. So much so that even Apple with its iPhone implemented this technology in its hardware a short time ago.

The thing is that some of them are also marketed with two IMEI numbers, which causes problems for those who do not know their applications. As in some countries it is necessary to register the IMEI of the Android smartphone to be able to use them, we are going to show you which of them you should take into account.

If my mobile has two IMEI, which one should I use?

First of all, it is necessary to try to know the IMEI of each of the SIM slots, for which, what you have to do is take the call keyboard, write * # 06 #, and wait a moment until the mobile show the first and second IMEI in question. Next, we will show you how to register the two IMEI of your device, and how to unlock the device in case it is blocked. We will also explain the reason why today’s cell phones have two IMEIs, even if we are talking about a smartphone like an iPhone.

Index( )

  1. What are IMEI numbers for?
  2. Why does my phone have two IMEI numbers?
  3. How can I register my phone if it has two IMEI?
    1. Is it possible to register both IMEI?
    2. Can I register two IMEI with the same number?
  4. What can I do if one of the IMEI of my mobile is blocked?

What are IMEI numbers for?

In the world of mobile telephony , each piece of equipment that is manufactured has a unique code that identifies it from the rest, for the reason of having a way to identify each item that is offered in the market. As a security and control measure, this code can be seen, in an analogous way, to the fingerprint of cell phones, just as it happens with humans.

This code has the name IMEI which has 15 digits that are unique. You can usually find it on the back of the cell phone or you can dial *#06# on the call pad and the cell phone will show you the IMEI code of your device. This has various applications such as, for example, it serves to track it, to be able to block it in case of theft or loss, just as it works to know if the smartphone is blocked and enable it again. That is why it is recommended to register the two IMEI in your mobile phone, so that you can make use of the second IMEI.

Why does my phone have two IMEI numbers?

As is common in recent years, many of the cell phone hardware that is coming onto the market have two SIMs. One of the applications that companies found to be able to distinguish the functions of each operator is to give these mobile phones two IMEI codes for more practicality. This has its advantages, since, if by chance a code is blocked, you have the second IMEI to continue using the operators. That is why it is recommended to register the two IMEIs on your cell phone, thus enabling the second IMEI. For this reason it is because you have to activate two IMEI on current equipment.

How can I register my phone if it has two IMEI?

It is possible that when you buy your Android smartphone or iPhone, you may not know that, in general, it only consists of placing the SIM cards in the tray so that the two IMEIs are activated in the device. In case this does not happen, it is better that you seek to unlock the cell phone so that it works under any operator.

Another way to do it is to go to the manufacturing company that will help you carry out the process of activating both IMEI codes, this only if your phone is dual SIM or multiSIM. Registering the two IMEI of the equipment is a simple process, although there are some operators that block the second IMEI, since it goes against their policies. As we already mentioned, in this case it is better that you unlock the cell phone, to be able to use it with any operator, in case you do not have the code, there are methods to unlock a mobile without IMEI code.

Is it possible to register both IMEI?

Since mobile phone companies continue to manufacture dual SIM or multi SIM phone hardware. It is possible to activate two IMEI, so otherwise these mobiles would not continue to be produced. You should only advise yourself well with the operators you are looking for or with the manufacturers of the equipment so that they can instruct you on the procedure to follow.

If in any case you do not know the code that you have to register, then you should consider that it is normal, as many use the two SIMs and therefore the two IMEI, you can choose yourself which one you prefer, as long as both work without problems. by companies. Note that some corporations allow you to easily register both IMEI of dual SIM or multi SIM phones. Above all, those who work with manufacturers that have devices with slots for two SIM cards. What you have to do is consult with the company in question about the process of activating both IMEI numbers, or if you have to choose one of them.

Can I register two IMEI with the same number?

The correct way to register the two IMEIs is that each SIM goes to a different telecommunication company, you can also do them both to the same operator, without any problem, being able to use the same number . In each of the spaces for SIM cards. But in that case you would lose some of the advantages of having two different operators on your cell phone.

Beyond everything that we have mentioned before, you should consider that if you have problems registering the two IMEI or using both or using the same number. We recommend that you first unlock your Android smartphone to skip the hassles with companies. This procedure that we indicate, will allow you to unlock all types of smartphone, so that without having to register the two IMEI, you can use them in any operator or company.

Even many users who have their phones rooted and the necessary knowledge, perform the unlocking on their own in a simple way. Finally, let us tell you that, in case you have to register only one IMEI number, you should always bet on the one that appears on the scene as IMEI 1, since unlike the second IMEI. This is much easier to use that first slot, which is the one that supports 4G networks.

What can I do if one of the IMEI of my mobile is blocked?

After registering the two IMEIs, if for any reason one is blocked, don’t worry since you can continue using the device with the second IMEI. Because it has two IMEIs, in case you want to unlock it, you just have to call the contracted operator and provide the digits of the code so that they can unlock it for you.

It should be noted that this procedure is not fast, it can take up to a period of two months when they conclude with the verification and unlocking of the code, so while that happens, continue using the second IMEI, during the time that the other is blocked