How to register the FlixOlé

We return to the subject of films, series and the different alternatives such as pluto tv where you can see these types of files online from our home if we put our health or the health of our relatives and acquaintances at risk.

Nowadays, these streaming services have really become popular after movies by Netflix , as the alternatives we have to enjoy movies, series and even live channels have been different, completely online.

In this they harassed in look how it is done, we will explain what this streaming service called “FlixOlé” is about , how you can find it and also how you can register, that is, register in it in a really easy and simple way.

What is FlixOlé?

This is yet another streaming service for series and movies, but in this case there are only Spanish or European series and movies . All this through a payment method of approximately 2.99 euros per month or 29.99 euros per year.

This service offers us Spanish series and movies in high definition which are paid for through the use of plans in which you can enjoy all the content in an unlimited way.

With more than 3,500 Spanish movies and series, this streaming service can be viewed from our computers and smart devices connected to a data or Wi-Fi network.

This service also has promotional coupons that will offer you a free service of more days than usual in the trial period, a marvel!

How to register the FlixOlé quickly and easily?

If you have seen the catalog or have already used this service through a friend and you have fallen in love with it, you just have to follow the following steps so that you can have your own account on FlixOlé and thus enjoy its entire catalog.

Mainly you must go to your browser of choice and open it. Once this is done, look in the search bar of this for the following « flixOlé.com «, where you must select the first option that it offers you.

Once you are inside the FlixOlé website, you just have to click on the button that says “register”. Where then the following 4 sections will appear.

Create Account

In this section you must enter all your personal data , from your email to the password you want to use in this streaming service.

After that they give you the option to receive notifications or offers from this site through your email, to accept it you need to activate the box, if you do not want to you must leave the box disabled, once you finish this you just have to press on the « create « button .

Choose a plan

From this point in the process, you can choose which plan best suits your entertainment and financial needs, although they only have two types of plans, one for 2.99 euros per month and the other for 29.99 euros per year. Once you have selected which of the two you want, you just have to click on « start premium plan «

It should be noted that each of the plans to offer have some of the most outstanding characteristics of these described, so in this way you can choose the best one.

Your subscription

The next step is basically designed for you to confirm all your data before proceeding, from here you can see the plan you entered and change it if you wish in ” change subscription plan “. If everything is in order, you must click on «Confirm and pay».

Payment method

This is the last step where you must enter all your bank information , from the card number, the name of the owner of that card, the expiration date, and even the CVC / CVV / CID of the card you want to use. .

You must click on the button called “pay” and voila, you will have an active FlixOlé account. It should be noted that I do not know will charge you absolutely nothing until your trial period is over , which is usually 14 days, once these are finished FlixOlé will start to use your money.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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