How to Register or Create an Account in Wallapop?

Electronic commerce or ecommerce is developing by leaps and bounds , as there are more and more ways to purchase products and services online. There are many platforms used in e-commerce, such as Wallapop. For this reason, you must learn to register or create an account in Wallapop to sell .

Next, we explain everything you need to know to register and sell on Wallapop , the most popular buying and selling platform that currently exists in Spain .


  1. How to register in Wallapop?
  2. Tips for buying and selling on Wallapop
    1. Check the seller’s reputation
    2. Check product specifications
    3. Verify the operation of the device
    4. Use secure payment methods

How to register in Wallapop?

The subscription can be done through the official website of Wallapop or through the mobile phone. The app is available on the App Store for iOS devices and on the Play Store for Android devices .

  1. To access the website, press the button located at the top right of the screen «Login or register». The process for the application is similar.
  2. Enter your name, email address and a password. The password must be strong and have at least eight characters. You can also log in with your Facebook or Google account.
  3. At the end of the registration, a message will be sent to your email address to confirm your account. Check the email in your inbox and open the link to confirm your account.

In order to sell and buy, it is recommended that you configure your profile previously . Create a profile photo so that other users know you , choose the location to see ads near you and other information that is useful to confirm your identity.

Tips for buying and selling on Wallapop

It is important that you know or be aware of some tips, so that you do not have problems when buying and selling on Wallapop.

Check the seller’s reputation

Before making any type of transaction with another user on Wallapop, you must check their information and reputation . Click on his photo to see his profile , how many sales he has made so far and how many points other users have given him.

Check product specifications

To buy safely, please check the product specifications in detail . Compare on another website to see if the features match those stated in the post . This is more applicable to electronic devices, but it is an excellent alternative to avoid fraud.

Verify the operation of the device

When buying an appliance, it’s best to ask the seller for proof that it’s working . You can ask for a video that shows that it works correctly with electricity and without breakdowns.

If the product is delivered in person, you can check its operation yourself. If you pick it up somewhere, please take a few minutes to check that everything is working correctly .

Use secure payment methods

Use payment methods that guarantee the safety of your money in case you come across a scam. Paypal is one of these payment methods that helps buyers who have been scammed to get their money back.

Wallapay is the secure payment method that exists within the Wallapop platform. To use this tool, users have to provide their real data and bank information . If you don’t want to pay digitally, you always have the option to pay in person when you receive the product .

As you can see, registering or creating an account in Wallapop to sell is very simple . However, it is important to take into account some tips before buying and selling.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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